Palm Prē拆机指南(清晰大图)
引文: Palm Pre Repair Guide Welcometo the RapidRepair Palm Pre take-apart repair guide. Here we show (innearly sickening detail) the internals of the new Palm Pre and how tosafely reach them in a few easy steps. Be sure to check our repairtools page for easy to use toolkits for replacing screens, batteriesand more on your Palm Pre.
IntroducingPalm® Pre™, a phone so in sync with your life it feels like it’sthinking ahead for you. Pre pulls your different online calendars intoone view, bringing you the information you want without having tosearch for it. Pre links your contacts from different sources, givingyou one place to find what you need. And Pre delivers incomingmessages1 and notifications in an intuitively subtle way, letting youreact or respond however you want. People, events, information thatmatters. With Palm Pre, it'll come to you.
The Palm® Pre™ phone will be available on the Sprint network.
Tools required: Small Phillips Screw Driver, Small Flathead, Pliers, solder iron,exacto razor & Safe Open Tool Repair Toolkit available HERE Gather all neccesary tools and place your Palm Pre Phone on a clean flat surface, use a soft cloth or towel to place under it.
What a nice looking phone! Manual, earbuds (not Apple), Pouch, USB Cable, and Charger.
You want to be sure to only use the OEM charger otherwise you will fry the phone.
The box has a slick design, reminding me of the 1st iPhone we opened.
1st Phone view!
Check out the back of the phone, small and sleek.
Step 1
Toget started, push the tab on the bottom of the phone to remove the backpanel. This should be pretty easy to do since the battery is userreplaceable.
Total of six screws must be removed at this point.
Step 2
Removethe battery so we can expose the 2 clips on the side of the back panelbezel. You can use the razor blade or small flathead to push the clipsout. These 2 clips are on the outer edge of the phone.
The tabs secure the top of the keyboard bezel.
Step 3
Toremove the keyboard bezel you must use a nylon safe open case tool andspudge all the way around until the bezel pops up. This will remove theback panel partially.
Step 4
Before you pry the back panel bezel all the way off, you must 1st disconnect the communications board cable pictured.
Step 5
Now we can see the entire front panel with components revealed.
Step 6
Letsstep back to the front bezel and remove the antennae wires to exposethe comm board. This board houses chips for GPS, wireless, etc.
Remove the small metal plate with the razor (pictured) so you can unplug the antennae.
Step 7
Wewant to focus on removal of the front bezel slide with keyboard. Thereare 2 clips (bottom corners) to start removal of the keyboard.
Removethe one visible screw, then slide the keyboard in and out to reveal 2more hidden screws. One hidden screw is located under the ribbon whichconnects the comm board to the system board.
Remove the two larger board clips at this point. (camera board and comm board clips)
Step 8
Wecan see the front panel internals now. There are 3 small flip clips toremove. Clips used for: Digitizer, ear piece speaker and mic/LED panel.
Remove the grey tape to expose the actual clip to the LCD.
After the clips are removed, remove the board to expose the Palm Pre LCD screen.
Step 9
Nowthat the system board is removed, we can concentrate on removal of theheat shield. Use a pair of needle nose pliers along with a heat gun orsolder iron to get started.
This step is very difficult, dont try it unless you need to identify the chips.
Chips seen here:
Texas Instruments CPU TWL5030B/ 94A20PW C
Elpida K2132C1PB-60-F/ 09100N024
Samsung 910 KMCMG0000M-B998, 8GB NAND memory for storage is suspected.
Step 10
After removal of the board from step 8 we can clearly see the LCD/digitizer combo.
TheLCD and capacitive touchscreen are permanently glued together. Thismeans if either goes bad or is damaged, both must be replaced
Currentlywe have not found a way to separate the LCD from the digitizer. Lookslike people will be paying for both parts if one should fail.
Look at all the glorious parts and modules. Reverse this guide to put it back together, good luck.
清晰大图: 牛啊。第一次so fast 这哥们还真舍得,估计刚到手就拆了 支持下~~~ 不知道国内啥时有 HOPE老大要是团购这部机子就好了! 瞄了一下,很模块化设计,自己更换硬件也不难 一个机器,4颗螺丝。。。。
回复 #8 xsffly 的帖子
明显是6颗嘛,呵呵~~~这是个正常的数字哈~~~ PRE后屁股很简约,偶稀饭 指纹啊指纹 非常非常期待这机子,原来一直想要X1,现在非他不可了,PLAM好样的。呵呵。。 不错,以后用得着