【请教】Mac OR PC?
即将赴美了,美国的老板问我要PC or Mac?这周要我给她答复,大家出出主意,说说优缺点?我现在手上有x61s XP,也会带过去。我的工作主要是科研工作,电脑主要是用来查查资料,上网,写东西,ppt,少量ps,少量娱乐(电影),不打游戏。谢谢!(email:I havea question, regarding your computer to be used in the lab. Everyone will have a new computer when arriving (<$ 12,000). Since September is the end of fiscal year in the US Government, we must order your computer this week. )[ Edited bybighead98 on 2009-9-2 08:19 ] <$ 12,000
推荐 Mac,在美国,Mac 不是小众。 *.*lll 12000美刀。。。买啥都可以,建议MAC~