有淘宝有焊接好SIM卡座的3G模块,能不能直插到WIFI无线模块的座子上使用? 居然没人知道,人气太差了 可以的 不过就没有WIFI了 这个加内置3G模块是没有意义的,pcmcia接口不是闲置的吗 可以用,PCI-E属于标准接口。 可以加。可以参考下:I've a P1610-XN which is a 3.5G version. The original is a Sierra MC8755 PCI-E card with a
SIM slot. The speed is 1.8Mb HSDPA. I have changed to a MC8781 with GPS function.
It works fine with MapKing 2007 pc version. I also upgrade the CPU from Core Solo U1400 to
Core2Duo U7700. I also changed the HD to Runcore 64G SSD.
Hope this could share and help. 呵呵,有点兴趣,不过据说要短接两个电阻:) 已经成功加装的兄弟分享一下,看看能否批量加装