【求助】win2003 下怎么安装新版本MSN ?
win2003 下怎么安装新版本MSN? 能用就行,没有大改动的新版没必要追,我也是2003,装不了新版。 在别的机器上安了最新的,然后进去文件夹里把那些MSI文件拷出来,在你的2K3上安 我其实是想用新版本的 msn 群 的功能 。msn 群
msn 群
我之前安装的 8.1 MSN 没有msn 群的功能。 google一下,或者象3楼说的那样就行了。我是GOOGLE后再装上的最新的版本 http://pank.org/im/ 去看看你就知道了 嗯。楼上的是好办法。
:D :D In order to make the Windows Live Installer works to install on unsupported operating system (only Windows XP SP2/SP3 and Windows Vista is supported), use the hack below to remove the OS check from the unified Windows Live Installer executable so that it will “support” installation on unsupported OS:
Download Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor.
Run the Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor.
Open the Windows Live Installer executable (WLSetup-All.exe or WLSetup-Web.exe).
Locate CONFIG -> CONFIG0 -> 0.
Delete and remove the following XML code, and leaving the rest of the text intact:
<rule name=”IsValidOs” logic=”or”><group logic=”and” name=”vista+”><os version=”vista” condition=”greaterthanorequal” /><os productType=”workstation” /></group><group logic=”and” name=”xpsp2″><os version=”xp” servicePack=”2″ condition=”greaterthanorequal” /><os version=”vista” condition=”lessthan” /><os productType=”workstation” /><os cpu=”i386″ /><fileVersion path=”CSIDL_SYSTEM” file=”msi.dll” version=”″ condition=”greaterthanorequal” /></group></rule>
Compile the script and save the modified executable.
Run the modified executable, and the Windows Live beta wave 3 software applications can be installed anywhere on any OS and operating system check is now removed. 上面的方法08上是可以的,03没试过 thx
楼上 我也是2003,装的MSN是如下的,不知道是否是最新版的?网上下载的MSN,不过还要装个Contacts的软件才可以用。有群的
[ Edited byhunterson_zjg on 2009-10-20 10:23 ] 哦。楼上的才是强大