N900 全功能CJK输入法
Nokia N900's Maemo GNU/Linux system, doesn't have Chinese Japanese Korean (CJK) input support. However, the system is fully UTF-8, including the appropriate fonts.
Therefore it is easy to make it function with CJK.
To make CJK work:
1. Install GNU Emacs.
2. Enter CJK text in GNU Emacs.
3. Switch to the target application and paste the text there.
This way you can send CJK SMSes for instance etc. When you receive CJK SMSes, you'll be able to read them, since the font support is there etc. and you can easily reply to them this way.
This way you can enter CJK text into the web browser, enter it into Contacts etc. Basically into any application on the Nokia N900 GNU mobile phone.
[ Edited byiloven810 on 2009-12-16 18:31 ] 网站里还有n900分区,刷机等操作说明^u^ 中日韩? Switch to the target application and paste the text there.
回复 #4 HOPE 的帖子
**\这个倒没注意看哦。。。 N810的CJK就可以直接用在N900上,看我的帖子
[ Edited bydnie on 2009-12-16 21:14 ]
Reply to #6 of dnie
嗯,就是下载有点慢,明天来不及装,今天下午公司网络慢,刚才装上去了,速度很好,就用这个了。这个输入法的速度在N900上面几乎感觉不到停顿,比在N800上面强多了。 HOPE把输入法安装方法发个吧! 等操作说明 http://sumoudou.org/n900/emacs_23.1_shiroikuma_2009-11-30-030000_fremantle_armel.tar.xz
用迅雷下吧 在ff的出来之前,看来CJK是做好的也是唯一的吧? 看着cjk也还不错,改天来试试。。。不过在搜狗里打CJK第一个出来的是 仓井空 哇哈哈~~^_^