【下载】ThinkVantage GPS 2.60 全新发布
喜欢尝鲜的XD可以下载来试试看了,Lenovo刚刚发布的GPS 2.60版本。安装时,可选择简体中文。简短说明:
Lenovo ThinkPad ThinkVantage GPS 2.60 for Windows XP/Vista/7
Date Added: May 2010, OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
File Size: 19,754 KB, Publisher:Lenovo
Publisher's description of Lenovo ThinkPad ThinkVantage GPS 2.60 for Windows XP/Vista/7
ThinkVantage GPS (Global Positioning System) receives signals from the GPS satellites and determines the location of your ThinkPad.
Version 2.60
* (New) Added support for ThinkPad ThinkPad L412,L512.
* (New) Updated satellite map on GPS Enabler.
* (New) Added GPS command-line interface.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that some of NMEA data are lost.
* (Fix) Fixed an issue that NMEA data is sent every 1 min when fix interval time is input as 1 sec with Ericsson F3507g.
GPS function in the following devices are supported:
Ericsson F3507g, Qualcomm HS-USB, Qualcomm Gobi 2000 HS-USB
Supported ThinkPad systems:
Edge 13, Edge 14, Edge 15, L410, L510, L412, L512, SL300, SL400, SL400c, SL410, SL500, SL500c, SL510, T400, T400s, T410, T410i, T410s, T410si, T500, T510, T510i, W500, W510, X100e, X200, X200s, X200 Tablet, X201, X201i, X201s, X201 Tablet, X301
http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/81gp09ww.exe 来两张图…… 哦,顶一下 没有程序运行的图?? 问个小白的问题,怎么用啊?需要什么硬件 同上问,要什么硬件配置 能支持的都是宽屏机了:') 记得X61的3G卡貌似带GPS 这是什么东西? 早就使用了 什么阿?谢谢了 HP Elitebook 2530p可以使用吗? 我的x61s 上面有MC5725,也有那个蓝色的带PCB版的天线,但是GPS开不了
装了软件也不行,不过刚才装上面这个最新的GPS程序提示错误,看来是不支持啊。不知道装哪个版本的可以开始这个GPS,救命啊,搜了也找不到 看来是版本不支持哦,换回原来的版本 R400 的飘过