【原创】黑莓 可以在0S 5.0上自动锁键盘的软件,呵呵分享给大家。
可以在0S 5.0上自动锁键盘的软件,呵呵分享给大家。终于找到可以在最新的5.0.0.592系统下自动锁键盘的软件了,现在分享给大家。
New version update:
AddOnis 1.4.8 for OS4.5,4.6 and 5.0
AddOnis for OS4.5/4.6:
1. Fixed the bug that can not send email to calendar.
2. Fixed the bug that keylocker exception will not save.
3. New function. After call disconnect, you now can manually send call to calendar.
AddOnis for OS5.0:
1. include all the fix/new function in addonis for OS4.5/4.6
2. Fixed a bug that may cause autostandby not work.
3. support both new style standby mode (long press MUTE key) and old style standby mode (short press LOCK key).
4. new method to detect the call number is in addressbook or not.
OTA address:
OS4.5 www.all4berry.com/ota/AddOnis.jad
OS4.6 www.all4berry.com/ota/AddOnis_46.jad
OS5.0 www.all4berry.com/ota/AddOnis_50.jad
以上的连接,建议用你的黑莓来浏览并在网上进行安装,不大,才86K左右。 下面把我自己机子上的截图传上来给大家证明看看。 呵呵,喜欢用套 软件传上来啊。 谢谢lz 其实自动休眠更实用。可以设置休眠和锁屏幕, 按*号键就能锁定,不要这个软件,很烦的! 根本用不着!长按 * 键!按mute解锁!