hdtune pro4.50 绿色汉化特别版
What's new22th May 2010: HD Tune Pro 4.50 released.
Added autosave screenshot function with extensive filter possibilities
Error Scan
added speed map
added option to set scanning range
Erase: added verify function
Added option to change power settings during performance tests
Added support for USB 3.0 devices
Fixed negative CPU usage display with quadcore CPUs
Fixed incompatibility issue with nVidida drivers under Windows 7 64-bit
Fixed incompatibility issue with certain USB sticks
Fixed incorrect position with Erase function with sector sizes larger than 512 bytes
[ Edited byg95216 on 2010-5-31 23:21 ] 从4.01直升4.50,这个工具软件大家应该经常用到。 感谢分享…… :D 多谢分享! 试一下这个,我的两个版本的HDtune在老毛桃PE下都启动不了。 感谢分享! 谢谢分享。 谢谢楼主! 多谢分享! 又升级了,下了,多谢! 下载了!帮顶! 下载了!帮顶! 下载了!谢谢分享! 载那么多,回的量太寒酸 载了就要回 下了,回来顶顶,顺便贴张图,庆祝HD终于可以正确识别SATA1了 多谢分享!
回复 #1 g95216 的帖子
多谢分享 又升级了,下了,多谢! 多谢分享! 多谢分享! 不错。楼主辛苦了。 win7下打不开,说不是有效的运行程序,怎么办?