- Updates the firmware to version LB3i for the Intel SSD 520 Series models.
- Updates the firmware to version 4PC10365 for the Intel SSD 320 Series models.
- Updates the firmware to versions 2CV102M3 and 2CV102M6 for the Intel X25-M and X18-M Mainstream SSD Series models.
- Provides the ability to update the firmware while the Microsoft Windows operating system is running.
- Provides the ability to update the firmware when the full-disk encryption is installed.
- Updates firmware with Windows Operating Systems running.
- Updates firmware when full disk encryption is installed.
- Provides the bootable CD-ROM ISO images to update firmware on local systems and on non-Windows operating systems.
For the Intel SSD 520 Series models:
- Provides improved PHY margin setting to prevented losing the link to the SATA drive.
- 提高了系统从S3睡眠模式唤醒时的响应速度
NOTE: The IntelSSDUpdateWin.exe utility is easily deployed using the '-s' and '-r' switches to provide an unattended install ('-s') or to automatically reboot ('-r').
For the Intel X25-M and X18-M Mainstream SSD Series models:
- 修正了系统不认盘的问题
- 修正了自检时提示“Imminent Drive Failure”的问题
- 修正了Windows下无预兆重启的问题
- 修正了从休眠中唤醒时不认启动盘的间歇性问题
For the Intel SSD 320 Series models:
- 修正了从休眠中唤醒时不认启动盘的间歇性问题
- 修正了系统掉电时未回写完的数据丢失的问题