发表于 2017-8-3 11:40:31| 字数 3,050| - 中国–安徽–合肥–巢湖市 电信
本帖最后由 款款问伊 于 2017-8-3 12:34 编辑
网上看到众多的人吹牛逼,说开机两秒,我没打算两秒,那十秒开机也行啊,折腾到最后16秒左右能看见桌面,发现BIOS自检就8秒了,折腾着BIOS了,本坛有牛人说UEFI 加硬盘GPT分区安装系统就可以了,也就那样折腾好就是16秒。折腾BIOS里面看见有个computrace激活,奶奶的,我的半桶水英文这么好,我没打开激活我的win10 pro版本也是自动激活了,那这是什么激活 呢?没仔细看就随手打开了激活,跳出来的警告界面也就略过没细看(现在想起来那个 后悔啊 !啥都不说了,看过程吧(稍微解释一下,只要你打开这个远程追踪功能,自己无法关闭,升级bios无效,重新格式化整个硬盘重新安装系统也是无效),(因为没有解决,所以本文随时会更新,网上的各种教程我也都看了,暂时还没动手,基本上也是无解,也许是gpt分区的原因或者是其他原因,我这个仅仅只是bios里面激活了这个程序而已,没有像其他人在C盘里面多出来rpcnet. exe, rpcnet. dll, RPCNETP. exe, RPCNETP. dll 四个文件,所以老外说没有在他们的服务器里面看见我的电脑,我想也是,不行就发我一个程序,让我彻底激活了,这样连接到老外的服务器上,老外就可以帮忙了,暂时因为老外还没上班,所以暂时没有回复我),来往邮件在下面了。各位上眼吧,引以为戒吧。
I didn't find rpcnet. exe in my Windows10 OS, just activating computrace in the BIOS. I want to turn off this activation now, can there be no other way? If there is a separate BIOS to close this program, please help me, because the activation of the program is not happy to see the other way to update the BIOS is not able to close computrace this option.
Thank you
I suddenly thought, you can send me a program, let me install after activation, and then the program will automatically connect to your server, so you can help me turn off the activation of the program, how about this method? Isn't that a good idea?
Add that my system is WINDOWS10 Professional Edition, hard disk partition is the GPT BIOS boot is UEFI way, estimated because of the hard disk partition, I just activated the computrace in the BIOS, and then in the program process can not see the rpcnet process, the C disk partition below also does not have rpcnet. exe, rpcnet. dll, RPCNETP. exe, RPCNETP. dll four files.
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "globalsupport@absolute.com";<globalsupport@absolute.com>;
Date: Wed, Aug 2, 2017 08:32 PM
To: "本系统"<916410877@qq.com>;
Subject: Absolute Global Support - Case #02312566- Computrace was enable ?I want let it disable
 | | Hello,
Thank you for providing this however I am unable to find any record of this device in our database therefore if this device does have DDS installed (formally Computrace) then either it has not called or the software agent isn’t installed and you are only seeing the BIOS setting.
The BIOS setting by itself is just cosmetic and does not confirm or deny that DDS is installed but this is normally a one-time only setting so it cannot be changed.
If you want to further check if DDS is installed please try searching for the process rpcnet.exe and if unfound then no further action is required however you could also try to update the BIOS to remove/revert the BIOS setting.
Regards, Robert Turner
Global Support
This message is confidential and intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. For more information please visit www.absolute.com/company/legal.
Case #: 00206666
Date Opened: 02/08/2017
Severity: Standard
Subject: Computrace was enable ?I want let it disable
Dear Absolute
I bought one usedhand?Second hand ? laptop from my local market.
But I found the computrace software is still enabled.
Could you please check and turned it off ?
Attached is screen shot of machine's S/N.
Please let me know if there is any other info required for verification
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