Windows 7 Beta (7048-0-090219-1845) Ultimate 32 bit DVD Interim
ID Windows 7 Beta (7048-0-090219-1845) Ultimate 32 bit
DVD 7048.0.090219-1845_x86fre_client_en-us_Ultimate_EN_DVD
Date 2009-03-06 下载:Windows 7 Beta 7048 x86版
Size 2.61 GB
Version 7048.0.090219-1845
Categ Build
Phase BETA (win7rc1 milestone branch - AKA and One of)
The Closing Phase of Milestone branch
Timebomb July 1 2009 ext Aug 1 2009 (Maximum)
Windows 7 Ultimate.iso (0X84649CAD)
install Burn-Boot-go
Upgrade Run setup-go (on X64 or X86 Architectured CPU)
Change Log
1.“Send Feedback” on title bar removed
2.“Windows 7 Business” now reads “Windows 7 Professional” in the installation
3. Paint icon changed
4. Calculator icon changed
5. Sticky Notes icon changed
6. Windows Media Center receives a version upgrade
7. Alt+Tab works with Aero Peek
8. 24-39% more icons available on taskbar before scrolling
9. Start button changed
10.Additional features
11.New Sound Scheme