有关这个license的授权,在随光盘附的License Terms里面,只有一条提到有关时间的这里引用如下
TERM. Your right to use the software will expire 365 days after its installment
Order Confirmation
Thank you for registering your copy of Microsoft Windows Ultimate.
The new and improved features, as well as the reliability, speed and security of Windows Vista should make evaluation and adoption worth the time and effort.
Microsoft offers several ways to help you test, pilot, and deploy Windows Vista:
Windows [url=wlmailhtml:{B099C90D-7702-439C-A64B-CAA7949722AA}mid://00000000/!x-usc:
http://response.microsoft.com/P/v3/r.asp?r=T1_Url0&;e=102735%3B276311%3B39256597%3B2%3B02&a=1007]Springboard[/url], the on-ramp for IT Pros that includes tips & tricks, access to forums and resources at the right technical level depending on where you are in the adoption process.
http://response.microsoft.com/P/v3/r.asp?r=T1_Url1&;e=102735%3B276311%3B39256597%3B2%3B02&a=1007]Support[/url] for application compatibility issues
Get in-depth training from [url=wlmailhtml:{B099C90D-7702-439C-A64B-CAA7949722AA}mid://00000000/!x-usc:
http://response.microsoft.com/P/v3/r.asp?r=T1_Url2&;e=102735%3B276311%3B39256597%3B2%3B02&a=1007]Microsoft Learning[/url]
Here is your product key:
Microsoft© Windows Vista Ultimate
Thanks again for registering.
If you have questions about this offer order, please feel free to contact us at:
Payment Method: No payment required