发表于 2008-8-13 07:09:42| 字数 4,502| - 中国–上海–上海–浦东新区 电信
Adobe于昨天(11日)发布了Flash Player 10的首个RC版本。
新功能:linux平台支持Mozilla网络安全连接服务(Mozilla’s Network Security Services加密连接)。
* dlDownload ActiveX Control for Windows
* dlDownload Plugin for Windows (EXE, 1.75 MB)
http://download.macromedia.com/p ... l_plugin_081108.exe
* dlDownload Plugin for Macintosh (DMG.ZIP, 5.32 MB)
http://download.macromedia.com/p ... l_ub_081108.dmg.zip
* dlDownload Plugin for Linux (TAR.GZ, 3.85 MB)
http://download.macromedia.com/p ... linux_081108.tar.gz
* dlDownload Plugin for Linux (RPM, 3..84 MB)
http://download.macromedia.com/p ... nux_081108.i386.rpm
* For Linux, Flash Player 10 only supports browsers that are supported by each specific distribution of Linux. There are issues unrelated to Flash Player that can occur if a user installs a browser that is not supported on that Linux distribution. (For example, at the time this was written, Firefox 3 was not officially supported by Ubuntu 7.)
* 3D Effects:
* Components don’t work properly with 3D Effects.
* 2.5D or 3D objects do not print correctly to PDF nor to hardware printer. (232562)
* Color Management: The ability to read source profiles is not included in this feature, by design. Comments or questions can be posted to the Flash Player 10 Forum.
* GPU Compositing and GPU Blitting:
* Issues may occur with unsupported drivers.
* Hardware acceleration does not currently optimize the Alpha, Erase, Invert & Subtract blendmodes and vectors for GPU compositing.
* For Linux, the hardware acceleration feature will not work if you are using a compositing window manager (compiz). In this case, Flash Player 10 Beta will always fall back to software. If you would like to test Flash Player 10 Beta on Linux, please disable your compositing window manager.
* Dynamic Streaming: An intended future release of Adobe Flash Media Server is required to use this feature. If you are interested in being part of the private prerelease program, please send an email to fmsprerelease@adobe.com with your contact details.
* An intended future release of Adobe Flash Media Server is required to use this feature. If you are interested in being part of the private prerelease program, please send an email to fmsprerelease@adobe.com with your contact details.
* Speex:
* An intended future release of Adobe Flash Media Server is required to use this feature. If you are interested in being part of the private prerelease program, please send an email to fmsprerelease@adobe.com with your contact details.
* Live audio does not work on Mac when audio capture is 96 kHz. (221951)
* Disconnect and re-connect network on Mac publisher causes sending garbled audio with USB audio devices. (227185)
* Acrobat Connect Pro meeting will not install the Acrobat Connect Add-in if running in FP10. Workaround: install FP 9.0.124, then install Connect Add-in, then upgrade to FP10.
* Many Linux camera issues have been fixed. Please report any additional issues you encounter.
* Linux full-screen optimizations have been made. Please report any additional issues you encounter.
* startDrag() does not work when movie clip is 3D. (216415)
* LiveCycle WorkSpace cannot log in using Flash Player 10 Beta. (223394) WORKAROUND: Use Flash Player
* Vector printing on Macs works now!
* New Text Engine: Vector Printing isn't currently enabled.
* Custom Filters and Effects:
* Mac PPC: Color distortions may appear when applying a Shader. ShaderJob returns unexpected values for some Pixel Bender functions.
* Linux: Shader Jobs may return NaN instead of an expected Number value.
* Drawing API: Strokes are not visible on paths drawn with drawTriangles or GraphicsTrianglePaths. The lineShaderStyle is not implemented in Flash Player 10 Beta.
* Context Menu: The new AS3 Clipboard is currently only working for Mac and Windows. It is not yet working for the Unix players.
* Uploading images using Photoshop Express does not work with Flash Player 10 Beta. (1786882) WORKAROUND: Use Flash Player
* Dynamic Streaming:
* A crash when switching between videos of different resolutions has been fixed.
* A new Play Status event when switching between streams now actually happens: NetStream.Play.TransitionComplete.
* Changing NetStream.BufferTime on the subscriber side of P2P connection, causes video to stop and possible crash
* No NetStream onStatus messages received when using NetStream.pause(), NetStream.resume() or NetStream.togglePause() for P2P connection
* Intermittent crashes/hangs when subscribing/unsubscribing multiple times to P2P NetStream.
* peerStreams array includes null streams in some cases.
* Speex:
* Speex audio may deteriorate when computer is overloaded. (222082)
* Peer-to-peer Nellymoser may incur in quality degradation when packets are lost. (222469)
* Soundtransform for Speex does not work in loopback mode
* Linux-specific issues:
* Flash Player 10 hangs when subscribing to a live audio stream. (222283)
* Linux subscriber receives deteriorated audio for about 20 seconds when switching from Nellymoser to Speex codec. (222306)
* Linux Subscriber P2P only: When Nellymoser audio is attached, the video plays slowly on the subscriber side. (222851)
* Video playback issues on PPC Macs have been resolved. |