恨死我了。 32位的操作系统,是用不了4G的...
打了补丁后,最多也只能是3.5G en.
X40,超级垃圾机型,用不了台式机的DDR2 800内存,还用不了1T的大硬盘 残废windows系统,不能管理4G内存 忍了吧 这跟T60有什么关系,这是操作系统的问题,不懂不要乱讲 楼上各位说windows和32位系统不支持4G内存的以后就不要再说了。
PAE就是用来干这事的。Windows 2000没有64位版本,一样可以支持64G内存呢。
这个不支持就是T60p的设计问题。。。。。 Posted by 小新的蜡笔 on 2008-7-19 12:45 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
嗯,看来不懂的人还真多。 945主板貌似不支持4G 最大好像是3.25 Posted by 7565968 on 2008-7-19 12:48 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
945主板貌似不支持4G 最大好像是3.25
呵呵,还是有懂行的嘛。 ^u^ ^u^ ^u^ ^u^ 笑翻了,lz拿当大家傻子玩 Posted by xman366 on 2008-7-19 12:54 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
^u^ ^u^ ^u^ ^u^ 笑翻了,lz拿当大家傻子玩
我没有,我标题里就说了,残废机型。。。。。。确实有很多人认为是操作系统的原因,我开始也是这样认为的。 Posted by climbmount on 2008-7-19 12:46 http://www.ibmnb.com/images/common/back.gif
PAE就是用来干这事的。Windows 2000没有64位版本,一样可以支持64G内存呢。
分明是945芯片组的问题 大家的口气好厉害啊 楼主这样的残废机,送给我好了。。。^u^ 如果机型有问题,认都认不到。。怎么可能4G。换个系统吧。。 标题党,无聊。 LZ是愚民~~~~鉴定完毕~呵呵 啥也不说,楼主自己先去看看Intel 945 chipset的datasheet吧。
丢人了。。。。楼主啊。。。。 我装Win2003,可以识别4G内存 可以识别和可以用不一样,楼上的来个帖图吧。 真的可以支持吗?没试过不要乱讲,看看联想的解释。
[ Edited byclimbmount on 2008-7-19 14:29 ] 谁的T60p,T2600 CPU支持4G内存了,传授一下经验,没试过的不要乱讲了。2003我也安装过,一样没戏。 有没有成功用过4G的,如果有我也去买 我又查了一下,说芯片组的问题是不对的,945确实是支持4G内存的,但是在联想的T60p上,就是不能支持4G内存,至于原因,怕是只有联想内部的人才知道了。
Guys, this is definitely NOT a chipset problem. Dell sells computers with the same chipset found in Thinkpad T60, and Dell computers (Dell XPS M1710) have no problem at all accessing 4 GB RAM. We have many Thinkpad T60 Z61p X60 (almost all Thinkpad “60″ models) and some Dell XPS M1710 laptops, and we have even opened the computers to compare the chipsets; both Dell and IBM/Lenovo use the same type of chipsets, and Dell:s construction can access 4 GB installed RAM, but IBM/Lenovo can NOT. We have tried 32 and 64 versions of Vista, Windows Server 2003, and different dists of linux on both systems. No problems at all on Dell and the XPS 1710 shows shows 4 GB RAM while the Thinkpads show only 3 GB. We have of course tried IBM/Lenovos own branded 2 GB memory modules and compared with Kingston. No difference at all. The support at Lenovo (in Sweden) just give me irrelevant answers and try to get rid of me! They do not even listen to me when I say that it is actually written in all documents that the computers support up to 4 GB RAM. They do not even want to click on the site links I send them!!! I have tried so many times to contact higher bosses, but they do not even want to talk to me. I think that we have to accept the fact that we all have been FOOLED and IBM/Lenovo will unlikely admit that they LIE. I am trying to find some kind of law or something so we can sue them… There must be a way..
[ Edited byclimbmount on 2008-7-19 14:46 ] T60不能完全使用4G,945的问题 你拿个945的任何机型都上不了4G zt777说得也对呀,按照Intel的说法,945是支持4G内存的,而且Dell XPS M1710用的也是945,可以支持4G内存的。 我的签名机虽然性能比不上T60P,但可以上4G,965芯片的,:D