发表于 2016-8-26 06:23:13| 字数 1,071| - 中国–四川–成都 移动
我win10下装过两次按键驱动,都遇到这个问题。第一次我解决了,可我没牢记是怎么解决的。第二次又重复上网搜索这个问题的解决方案,真是做无用功,早知道好记性不如烂笔头了。后来找到解决方法,其实上次也是这样解决的。就说安装按键驱动的时候要关闭UAC设置。参考这篇帖子:https://blog.flexuous.com/2010/1 ... e-on-windows-7-x64/
Originally I tried the procedures outlined by a number of people to uninstall the button utility, reboot, uninstall driver, reboot, delete the buttons directory under the program files/fujitsu directory, reboot then reinstall the driver, reboot, reinstall the utility…..
unfortunately this didn’t work.
However, I noticed that during the installation process, Windows7 as usual would ask the typical UAC question… “This program is attempting to make changes to the system…. ” (or whatever it normally says) and the install program opened a couple of command windows. These windows would then generate a couple of errors. This got me to thinking about some issues I was having with some other software on my new development machine at work… and I had an idea……
I turned off User Access Control and rebooted.
now… with UAC turned off I followed the directions..
Uninstall the button utility
Uninstall the button drivers
Re-install the button drivers
Re-install the button utility
….. it worked! The buttons started to work…… |