Please provide the serial number so we can check the current status.
Thank you
Our records indicate that DDS (formerly Computrace) has been disabled from the device.
Thank you
ref:_00D36uRda._50036BYsJv:ref 问怎么关提示和把BIOS里的设置改为disable,回复了下面这个,说只是个提示,重刷BIOS即可把选项关了。
The agent has made the final call and has been removed from the device. We can no longer track nor launch any actions on the device. You may update the BIOS if you would like to remove the Computrace splashscreen. Please note that this screen is only an indication that the product is compatible with the device. I've confirmed that it is currently disable for the device.
Thank you
Computrace can be stopped: Do the following:
1) START>SETTINGS>CONTROL PANEL> ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS> SERVICES> find RPC ( Remote Procedure Call ) NET and/or Service. Right click and Properties, set to Automatic and stop the serive.
2) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM 32\ Find these 4 files RPCNET.dll + RPCNETP.DLL + RPCNET.EXE + RPCNETP.EXE ( Do the following to each file )
3) Delete each file. DO NOT REBOOT. Open WORD PAD. Type and "Save As" ( without quotes ). Name the file as the one it will replace above. Do this for all 4 files. Once they are all replaced with the "VOID" (bogus file ) Right click on each file and change the attribute to READ ONLY > APPLY > OK.
To check and make sure it has worked, reboot your machine. Go to Services and check your RPC process and see if it has re started. If it restarted then you did something wrong with the above files, retry and reboot and recheck. Remember, if you delete one or all the files without stopping the service the files WILL come back automatically. Also you will not be able to delete RPCNET.exe if the service IS started. It must be done in the order above.
I know this works because i've tested it. Keep in mind, even with the above done correctly Computrace WILL still show in BIOS but will pretty much be a dummy computrace. 现在不知道怎么弄了……