Stress test
The temperature development indicates that the cooling solution is working at its limits when you stress both components simultaneously. The surfaces hardly warm up while idling, but we can measure up to 52 °C (~126 °F) at the center of the bottom. However, you will hardly use such a big device on the lap, so the temperature is still acceptable. The palm rests and the keyboard stay cooler, so working with the device is not uncomfortable.
The processor runs at 3.4 GHz in the stress test with the tools Prime95 and FurMark, but quickly reaches more than 90 °C (~194 °F). The clock will drop to 3.2 GHz after a few minutes and then to 3.0 GHz. It will level off between 2.8 and 3.0 GHz over the course of the test and is at 2.9 GHz most of the time. We can quickly find the reason, because the CPU temperature is 98 °C (~208 °F) and therefore dangerously close to the limit of 100 °C (~212 °F). The situation should be a bit better with the two Core i7 chips.
The graphics card on the other hand maintains 1038 MHz all the time and the temperature is more relaxed at 69 °C (~156 °F). A 3DMark 11 run immediately after the stress test does not determine a lower result.