发表于 2019-1-2 08:39:50| 字数 39,476| - 中国–广东–深圳 电信
:thinkpad l460
i3 6100u
AMD AMD Radeon R5 M330
0:100 0:100 MemLog inited, TSC freq: 2303959000
0:100 0:000 CPU was calibrated with RTC
0:100 0:000
0:100 0:000 Now is 1.1.2019, 22:56:2 (GMT)
0:100 0:000 Starting Clover revision: 4672 on Lenovo EFI
0:100 0:000 Build with: [Args: -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t XCODE8 | -D DISABLE_USB_SUPPORT -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED --conf=/Users/sky/src/edk2/Conf -D USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO -D USE_LOW_EBDA -a X64 -b RELEASE -t XCODE8 -n 5 | OS: 10.14 | XCODE: 10.0]
0:100 0:000 SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,A622B4E9-D9AF-49DD-92AD-D314B5AF7E6D,0x28,0x64000) @98BF3198
0:100 0:000 SelfDirPath = \EFI\CLOVER
0:100 0:000 === [ Get Smbios ] ========================================
0:105 0:004 Type 16 Index = 0
0:105 0:000 Total Memory Slots Count = 2
0:105 0:000 Type 17 Index = 0
0:105 0:000 Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 ChannelA-DIMM0
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = <null string>
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = <null string>
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = <null string>
0:105 0:000 Type 17 Index = 1
0:105 0:000 Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 1 ChannelA-DIMM1
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->Vendor = <null string>
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->SerialNumber = <null string>
0:105 0:000 SmbiosTable.Type17->PartNumber = <null string>
0:105 0:000 Boot status=0
0:105 0:000 Running on: '20FUZ1Y2US' with board '20FUZ1Y2US'
0:105 0:000 === [ GetCPUProperties ] ==================================
0:105 0:000 CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=406E3
0:105 0:000 The CPU supported SSE4.1
0:105 0:000 BrandString = Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
0:105 0:000 The CPU supported turbo
0:105 0:000 MSR 0x35 20004
0:105 0:000 TSC/CCC Information Leaf:
0:105 0:000 numerator : 192
0:105 0:000 denominator : 2
0:105 0:000 Calibrated ARTFrequency: 23999572
0:105 0:000 MSR 0xE2 before patch 7E008006
0:105 0:000 MSR 0xE2 is locked, PM patches will be turned on
0:105 0:000 MSR 0xCE 0004043B_F1011700
0:105 0:000 corrected FLEX_RATIO = 0
0:105 0:000 MSR 0x1B0 00000000
0:105 0:000 FSBFrequency = 100 MHz, DMI FSBFrequency = 100 MHz, Corrected FSBFrequency = 100 MHz
0:105 0:000 MaxDiv/MinDiv: 23.0/4
0:105 0:000 Turbo: 23/23/23/23
0:105 0:000 Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
0:105 0:000 Threads: 4
0:105 0:000 Cores: 2
0:105 0:000 FSB: 100 MHz
0:105 0:000 CPU: 2300 MHz
0:105 0:000 TSC: 2300 MHz
0:105 0:000 PIS: 100 MHz
0:105 0:000 ExternalClock: 25 MHz
0:105 0:000 === [ GetDevices ] ========================================
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 1904 class=060000
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:02.00) : 8086 1916 class=030000
0:105 0:000 - GFX: Model=Intel HD Graphics 520 (Intel)
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.00) : 8086 9D2F class=0C0330
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:14.02) : 8086 9D31 class=118000
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 9D3A class=078000
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:17.00) : 8086 9D03 class=010601
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 9D10 class=060400
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|02:00.00) : 10EC 522A class=FF0000
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1C.02) : 8086 9D12 class=060400
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|03:00.00) : 14E4 43EC class=028000
0:105 0:000 - WIFI: Vendor=Broadcom
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 9D18 class=060400
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|04:00.00) : 1002 6660 class=038000
0:105 0:000 - GFX: Model=AMD Radeon HD 8670M (ATI/AMD)
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 9D48 class=060100
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 9D21 class=058000
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 9D70 class=040300
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.04) : 8086 9D23 class=0C0500
0:105 0:000 PCI (00|00:1F.06) : 8086 1570 class=020000
0:105 0:000 - LAN: 0 Vendor=Intel
0:105 0:000 === [ GetDefaultSettings ] ================================
0:105 0:000 Clover load options size = 54 bytes
0:105 0:000 Clover started with option to boot bootm***.efi from SYSTEM_DRV
0:106 0:000 EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:114 0:008 === [ GetListOfThemes ] ===================================
0:124 0:009 - [00]: embedded
0:124 0:000 - [00]: Hackintosh_ID
0:135 0:010 - [01]: SimpleThemeDark
0:140 0:005 === [ Found config plists ] ===============================
0:140 0:000 - config.plist
0:140 0:000 - config_installer.plist
0:140 0:000 === [ GetEarlyUserSettings ] ==============================
0:140 0:000 timeout set to 1
0:140 0:000 Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:140 0:000 ForceKextsToLoad: 1 requested
0:140 0:000 - [0]: System\Library\Extensions\IONetworkingFamily.kext
0:140 0:000 KextsToPatch: 7 requested
0:140 0:000 - [00]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (USB Port Limit Patch) :: MatchOS: 10.13.x :: BinPatch :: data len: 10
0:140 0:000 - [01]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (USB Port Limit Patch (PMheart) for 10.14 beta2) :: MatchOS: 10.14 :: BinPatch :: data len: 9
0:140 0:000 - [02]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (USB Port Limit Patch 10.14.1 18B50C (credits DalianSky)) :: MatchOS: 10.14.1 :: BinPatch :: data len: 9
0:140 0:000 - [03]: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer (DVMT) :: MatchOS: 10.13.6 :: BinPatch :: data len: 8
0:140 0:000 - [04]: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer (DVMT 10.14DB11) :: MatchOS: 10.14,10.14.x :: BinPatch :: data len: 8
0:140 0:000 - [05]: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (第二阶段花屏) :: MatchOS: 10.14,10.14.1 :: BinPatch :: data len: 5
0:140 0:000 - [06]: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (第二阶段花屏) :: MatchOS: 10.13.6 :: BinPatch :: data len: 5
0:140 0:000 KernelToPatch: 4 requested
0:140 0:000 - [00]: Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Debug kernel :: MatchOS: 10.13 :: data len: 6
0:140 0:000 - [01]: Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Release kernel :: MatchOS: 10.13 :: data len: 6
0:140 0:000 - [02]: Disable panic kext logging on 10.14 Release kernel (c) vit9696 :: MatchOS: 10.14.x :: data len: 6
0:140 0:000 - [03]: MSR 0xE2 _xcpm_idle instant reboot(c) Pike R. Alpha :: data len: 8
0:140 0:000 Default theme: Hackintosh_ID
0:140 0:000 Hiding entries with string Preboot
0:140 0:000 Hiding entries with string Windows
0:140 0:000 Hiding entries with string Recovery
0:140 0:000 ** Warning: unknown custom entry Type 'Other'
0:140 0:000 === [ LoadDrivers ] =======================================
0:145 0:005 Loading apfs.efi status=Success
0:178 0:032 - driver needs connecting
0:178 0:000 Loading ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi status=Success
0:178 0:000 - driver needs connecting
0:178 0:000 Loading AppleImageCodec-64.efi status=Success
0:179 0:000 Loading AppleImageLoader-64.efi status=Success
0:180 0:000 Loading AppleKeyAggregator-64.efi status=Success
0:180 0:000 Loading AppleKeyFeeder-64.efi status=Success
0:186 0:005 Loading AppleUISupport-64.efi status=Success
0:187 0:001 Loading AppleUITheme-64.efi status=Success
0:188 0:000 Loading AptioInputFix-64.efi status=Success
0:209 0:021 Loading AptioMemoryFix-64.efi status=Success
0:210 0:000 Loading CsmVideoDxe-64.efi status=Success
0:215 0:004 - driver needs connecting
0:215 0:000 Loading DataHubDxe-64.efi status=Success
0:218 0:003 Loading FirmwareVolume-64.efi status=Success
0:219 0:000 Loading FSInject-64.efi status=Success
0:220 0:000 Loading HFSPlus.efi status=Success
0:220 0:000 - driver needs connecting
0:220 0:000 Loading OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.efi status=Success
0:225 0:004 Loading SMCHelper-64.efi status=Success
0:226 0:000 4 drivers needs connecting ...
0:226 0:000 PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
0:226 0:000 HFS+ driver loaded
0:226 0:000 APFS driver loaded
0:226 0:000 Video driver loaded: disconnect Success
0:545 0:319 Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
7:258 6:712 === [ InitScreen ] ========================================
7:258 0:000 Console modes reported: 5, available modes:
7:258 0:000 - [01]: 80x25
7:258 0:000 - [03]: 170x40 (current mode)
7:258 0:000 - [04]: 100x31
7:258 0:000 - [05]: 128x40
7:258 0:000 SetScreenResolution: 1366x768 - already set
7:258 0:000 reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,A622B4E9-D9AF-49DD-92AD-D314B5AF7E6D,0x28,0x64000)
7:258 0:000 === [ GetMacAddress ] =====================================
7:258 0:000 MAC address of LAN #0= 50:7B:9D:65:EA:19:
7:258 0:000 MAC address of LAN #1= 50:7B:9D:65:EA:19:
7:258 0:000 MAC address of LAN #2= 50:7B:9D:65:EA:19:
7:258 0:000 MAC address of LAN #3= 50:7B:9D:65:EA:19:
7:258 0:000 === [ ScanSPD ] ===========================================
7:258 0:000 SMBus device : 8086 9D23 class=0C0500 status=Success
7:258 0:000 SMBus CmdReg: 0x1
7:258 0:000 Scanning SMBus [8086:9D23], mmio: 0xF174D004, ioport: 0xEFA0, hostc: 0x11
7:258 0:000 Slots to scan [8]...
7:259 0:000 SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52
7:278 0:018 Not using XMP because it is not present
7:278 0:000 DDR speed 1600MHz
7:278 0:000 Slot: 2 Type 24 4096MB 1600MHz Vendor=Micron Technology PartNo=8KTF51264HZ-1G6E1E1 SerialNo=000F06070D0E0309
7:278 0:000 === [ GetAcpiTablesList ] =================================
7:288 0:010 Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
7:288 0:000 - [00]: FACP TP-R08 len=244
7:288 0:000 - [01]: UEFI TP-R08 len=66
7:288 0:000 - [02]: SSDT SaSsdt len=19978
7:288 0:000 - [03]: ECDT TP-R08 len=82
7:288 0:000 - [04]: HPET TP-R08 len=56
7:288 0:000 - [05]: APIC TP-R08 len=188
7:288 0:000 - [06]: MCFG TP-R08 len=60
7:288 0:000 - [07]: SSDT SataAhci len=6354
7:288 0:000 - [08]: DBGP TP-R08 len=52
7:288 0:000 - [09]: DBG2 TP-R08 len=84
7:288 0:000 - [10]: BOOT TP-R08 len=40
7:288 0:000 - [11]: BATB TP-R08 len=74
7:288 0:000 - [12]: SLIC TP-R08 len=374
7:288 0:000 - [13]: SSDT CpuSsdt len=3699
7:288 0:000 - [14]: SSDT CtdpB len=985
7:288 0:000 - [15]: POAT TP-R08 len=85
7:288 0:000 - [16]: SSDT AmdTabl len=979
7:288 0:000 - [17]: SSDT SgPch len=1313
7:288 0:000 - [18]: ASF! TP-R08 len=165
7:288 0:000 - [19]: FPDT TP-R08 len=68
7:288 0:000 - [20]: BGRT TP-R08 len=56
7:288 0:000 - [21]: UEFI TP-R08 len=338
7:288 0:000 Calibrated TSC Frequency = 2303959000 = 2303MHz
7:288 0:000 === [ GetUserSettings ] ===================================
7:288 0:000 Add 1 devices:
7:288 0:000 USB FixOwnership: yes
7:288 0:000 Dropping 3 tables:
7:288 0:000 - [00]: Drop table signature="#MCF" (46434D23)
7:288 0:000 - set table: 46434D23, 0 to drop: no
7:288 0:000 - [01]: Drop table signature="DMAR" (52414D44)
7:288 0:000 - set table: 52414D44, 0 to drop: no
7:288 0:000 - [02]: Drop table signature="ECDT" (54444345)
7:288 0:000 - set table: 54444345, 0 to drop: yes
7:288 0:000 - final DSDT Fix mask=00000000
7:288 0:000 PatchesDSDT: 25 requested
7:288 0:000 - [00]: (change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [01]: (change _OSI to XOSI) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [02]: (change _DSM to XDSM) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [03]: (change EC0 to EC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 patch disabled at config
7:288 0:000 - [04]: (change H_EC to EC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 patch disabled at config
7:288 0:000 - [05]: (change ECDV to EC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 patch disabled at config
7:288 0:000 - [06]: (change HDAS to HDEF) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [07]: (change HECI to IMEI) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [08]: (change LPC to LPCB) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [09]: (change MEI to IMEI) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [10]: (change GFX0 to IGPU) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [11]: (change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)) lenToFind: 8, lenToReplace: 8, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [12]: (change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)) lenToFind: 14, lenToReplace: 14, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [13]: (change XHCI to XHC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [14]: (KBD to PS2K) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [15]: (DBC0 to PS2K) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:288 0:000 - [16]: (_Q15 to XQ15(down)) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [17]: (_Q14 to XQ14(up)) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [18]: (Batt_L17) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [19]: (battery GBIF03 to XBIF03) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [20]: (battery GBST04 to XBST04) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [21]: (battery SBMN to BMNX 128) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [22]: (battery SBDN to BDNX 128) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [23]: (_PTS to ZPTS(_PTS,1,N)) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 - [24]: (_WAK to ZWAK(_WAK,1,N)) lenToFind: 5, lenToReplace: 5, Target Bridge: <null string>
7:289 0:000 PluginType: 1
7:289 0:000 Using ProductName from config: MacBookPro13,1
7:289 0:000 Found same BiosVersion in clover and config
7:289 0:000 BiosVersion: MBP131.88Z.0223.B00.1806260754
7:289 0:000 BiosReleaseDate: 06/26/2018
7:289 0:000 Using FirmwareFeatures from config: 0xFC0FE137
7:289 0:000 Using FirmwareFeaturesMask from config: 0xFF1FFF3F
7:289 0:000 Board-ID set from config as Mac-473D31EABEB93F9B
7:289 0:000 BoardType: 0xA
7:289 0:000 ChassisType: 0x9
7:289 0:000 Converted CustomUUID A51F5685-885E-58EF-918A-9CA6C656E8E8
7:289 0:000 === [ Found DSDT tables ] =================================
7:527 0:238 === [ ScanVolumes ] =======================================
7:527 0:000 Found 9 volumes with blockIO
7:527 0:000 - [00]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)
7:528 0:001 USB volume
7:528 0:000 - [01]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,A622B4E9-D9AF-49DD-92AD-D314B5AF7E6D,0x28,0x64000)
7:530 0:002 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
7:530 0:000 USB volume
7:531 0:000 This is SelfVolume !!
7:531 0:000 - [02]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04,0x64028,0xC65DA0)
7:533 0:002 USB volume
7:533 0:000 - [03]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)
7:533 0:000 - [04]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,D3EDD886-1E19-48BA-BFF0-9405B876AC9F,0x800,0x32000)
7:533 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
7:576 0:043 - [05]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3ED0F84C-7D74-4938-B95E-A8A9726BC479,0x32800,0x40000)
7:576 0:000 - [06]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,6EC29E06-C054-466E-BBD2-8021A2170528,0x72800,0x38591E3D)
7:576 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
7:576 0:000 - [07]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,62DBAE4C-5035-4B37-8E98-861B42FFC153,0x38604800,0x194000)
7:576 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
7:576 0:000 - [08]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(5,GPT,6A2CD033-0906-4071-A8CC-06EE2F05B97C,0x38799000,0x1BED000)
7:577 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
7:577 0:000 === [ InitTheme ] =========================================
7:578 0:001 Using theme 'Hackintosh_ID' (EFI\CLOVER\themes\Hackintosh_ID)
7:578 0:000 OS main and drive as badge
7:579 0:001 Loading font from ThemeDir: Success
7:580 0:000 Chosen theme Hackintosh_ID
7:580 0:000 after NVRAM boot-args= abm_firstpolldelay=10000 kext-dev-mode=1 -disablegfxfirmware darkwake=no -lilubetaall
7:580 0:000 === [ Dump SMC keys from NVRAM ] ==========================
7:580 0:000 found AppleSMC protocol
7:642 0:061 Registered 17 SMC keys
7:643 0:000 === [ AddCustomEntries ] ==================================
7:643 0:000 Custom entry 0 skipped because it is disabled.
7:643 0:000 === [ ScanLoader ] ========================================
7:643 0:000 - [01]: 'EFI'
7:777 0:133 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
7:777 0:000 skipped because entry is hidden
7:777 0:000 - [02]: 'Install macOS Mojave'
7:780 0:002 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Install macOS Mojave
7:780 0:000 Not match custom entry 0: Type: not match
7:832 0:052 - [04]: 'SYSTEM_DRV'
7:873 0:040 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=SYSTEM_DRV
7:873 0:000 Not match custom entry 0: Type: not match
7:918 0:045 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=SYSTEM_DRV
7:918 0:000 skipped because entry is hidden
7:918 0:000 === [ AddCustomTool ] =====================================
7:918 0:000 Checking EFI partition Volume 1 for Clover
7:918 0:000 Found Clover
7:925 0:006 === [ GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram ] =========================
7:926 0:000 - efi-boot-device-data: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04,0x64028,0xC65DA0)\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efii
7:926 0:000 - Volume: 'PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04,0x64028,0xC65DA0)'
7:926 0:000 - LoaderPath: '\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
7:926 0:000 - Guid = 3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04
7:926 0:000 === [ FindStartupDiskVolume ] =============================
7:926 0:000 - Volume: partition = PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04,0x64028,0xC65DA0)
7:926 0:000 - searching for that partition and loader '\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
7:926 0:000 - found entry 0. 'Boot macOS Install from Install macOS Mojave', Volume 'Install macOS Mojave', '\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
7:926 0:000 Boot redirected to Entry 0. 'Boot macOS Install from Install macOS Mojave'
7:926 0:000 DefaultIndex=0 and MainMenu.EntryCount=7
7:996 0:069 GUI ready
14:283 6:287 === [ GetUserSettings ] ===================================
14:283 0:000 USB FixOwnership: yes
14:283 0:000 Dropping 2 tables:
14:283 0:000 - [00]: Drop table signature="#MCF" (46434D23)
14:283 0:000 - set table: 46434D23, 0 to drop: no
14:283 0:000 - [01]: Drop table signature="DMAR" (52414D44)
14:283 0:000 - set table: 52414D44, 0 to drop: no
14:283 0:000 - final DSDT Fix mask=00000000
14:283 0:000 PatchesDSDT: 15 requested
14:283 0:000 - [00]: (change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 patch disabled at config
14:283 0:000 - [01]: (change _OSI to XOSI) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 patch disabled at config
14:283 0:000 - [02]: (change _DSM to XDSM) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 patch disabled at config
14:283 0:000 - [03]: (change EC0 to EC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 patch disabled at config
14:283 0:000 - [04]: (change H_EC to EC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 patch disabled at config
14:283 0:000 - [05]: (change ECDV to EC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 patch disabled at config
14:283 0:000 - [06]: (change HDAS to HDEF) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [07]: (change HECI to IMEI) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [08]: (change MEI to IMEI) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [09]: (change GFX0 to IGPU) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [10]: (change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)) lenToFind: 8, lenToReplace: 8, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [11]: (change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)) lenToFind: 14, lenToReplace: 14, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [12]: (change XHCI to XHC) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [13]: (KBD to PS2K) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 - [14]: (DBC0 to PS2K) lenToFind: 4, lenToReplace: 4, Target Bridge: <null string>
14:283 0:000 PluginType: 1
14:283 0:000 Using ProductName from config: MacBookAir6.2
14:283 0:000 BiosVersion: not set, Using BiosVersion from clover
14:283 0:000 BiosVersion: IM131.88Z.0115.B00.1804091830
14:283 0:000 BiosReleaseDate: 04/09/2018
14:283 0:000 Using FirmwareFeatures from clover: 0xE00DE137
14:283 0:000 Using FirmwareFeaturesMask from clover: 0xFF1FFF3F
14:283 0:000 Using PlatformFeature from clover: 0x1
37:710 23:426 applied FakeCPUID=1234567
37:710 0:000 EDITED: 0x1234567
50:437 12:727 ReinitSelfLib after theme change
50:437 0:000 reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,A622B4E9-D9AF-49DD-92AD-D314B5AF7E6D,0x28,0x64000)
50:437 0:000 === [ ScanVolumes ] =======================================
50:437 0:000 Found 9 volumes with blockIO
50:437 0:000 - [00]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)
50:439 0:001 USB volume
50:439 0:000 - [01]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,A622B4E9-D9AF-49DD-92AD-D314B5AF7E6D,0x28,0x64000)
50:441 0:002 Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
50:441 0:000 USB volume
50:441 0:000 This is SelfVolume !!
50:441 0:000 - [02]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04,0x64028,0xC65DA0)
50:443 0:002 USB volume
50:443 0:000 - [03]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)
50:444 0:000 - [04]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,D3EDD886-1E19-48BA-BFF0-9405B876AC9F,0x800,0x32000)
50:444 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
50:444 0:000 - [05]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3ED0F84C-7D74-4938-B95E-A8A9726BC479,0x32800,0x40000)
50:444 0:000 - [06]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,6EC29E06-C054-466E-BBD2-8021A2170528,0x72800,0x38591E3D)
50:444 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
50:444 0:000 - [07]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,62DBAE4C-5035-4B37-8E98-861B42FFC153,0x38604800,0x194000)
50:444 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
50:444 0:000 - [08]: Volume: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x17,0x0)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(5,GPT,6A2CD033-0906-4071-A8CC-06EE2F05B97C,0x38799000,0x1BED000)
50:444 0:000 Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
50:444 0:000 === [ InitTheme ] =========================================
50:446 0:001 Using theme 'Hackintosh_ID' (EFI\CLOVER\themes\Hackintosh_ID)
50:446 0:000 OS main and drive as badge
50:447 0:001 Loading font from ThemeDir: Success
50:447 0:000 Chosen theme Hackintosh_ID
50:448 0:000 after NVRAM boot-args=debug=0x100 -disablegfxfirmware -v -lilubetaall
50:448 0:000 === [ AddCustomEntries ] ==================================
50:448 0:000 Custom entry 0 skipped because it is disabled.
50:448 0:000 === [ ScanLoader ] ========================================
50:448 0:000 - [01]: 'EFI'
50:491 0:043 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=EFI
50:491 0:000 skipped because entry is hidden
50:491 0:000 - [02]: 'Install macOS Mojave'
50:491 0:000 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Install macOS Mojave
50:492 0:000 Not match custom entry 0: Type: not match
50:540 0:048 - [04]: 'SYSTEM_DRV'
50:540 0:000 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=SYSTEM_DRV
50:540 0:000 Not match custom entry 0: Type: not match
50:586 0:045 AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=SYSTEM_DRV
50:586 0:000 skipped because entry is hidden
50:586 0:000 === [ AddCustomTool ] =====================================
50:586 0:000 Checking EFI partition Volume 1 for Clover
50:586 0:000 Found Clover
50:587 0:000 === [ GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram ] =========================
50:587 0:000 === [ FindStartupDiskVolume ] =============================
50:587 0:000 - Volume: partition = PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x14,0x0)\USB(0x0,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04,0x64028,0xC65DA0)
50:587 0:000 - searching for that partition and loader '\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
50:587 0:000 - found entry 0. 'Boot macOS Install from Install macOS Mojave', Volume 'Install macOS Mojave', '\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
50:587 0:000 Boot redirected to Entry 0. 'Boot macOS Install from Install macOS Mojave'
50:587 0:000 DefaultIndex=0 and MainMenu.EntryCount=7
65:006 14:418 boot with args: debug=0x100 -disablegfxfirmware -v -lilubetaall
65:006 0:000 BootVariable of the entry is empty
65:006 0:000 === [ StartLoader ] =======================================
65:006 0:000 Finally: ExternalClock=26MHz BusSpeed=100173kHz CPUFreq=2304MHz PIS: hw.busfrequency=104000000Hz
65:006 0:000 Loading boot.efi status=Success
65:070 0:063 GetOSVersion: 10.14 (18A391)
65:070 0:000 Filtering KextPatches:
65:070 0:000 - [00]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (USB Port Limit Patch) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.13.x | MatchBuild: All] ==> not allowed
65:070 0:000 - [01]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (USB Port Limit Patch (PMheart) for 10.14 beta2) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.14 | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
65:070 0:000 - [02]: com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI (USB Port Limit Patch 10.14.1 18B50C (credits DalianSky)) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.14.1 | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
65:070 0:000 - [03]: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer (DVMT) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.13.6 | MatchBuild: All] ==> not allowed
65:070 0:000 - [04]: com.apple.driver.AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer (DVMT 10.14DB11) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.14,10.14.x | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
65:070 0:000 - [05]: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (第二阶段花屏) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.14,10.14.1 | MatchBuild: All] ==> allowed
65:070 0:000 - [06]: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (第二阶段花屏) :: BinPatch :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.13.6 | MatchBuild: All] ==> not allowed
65:070 0:000 Filtering KernelPatches:
65:070 0:000 - [00]: Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Debug kernel :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.13 | MatchBuild: no] ==> not allowed by OS
65:070 0:000 - [01]: Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Release kernel :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.13 | MatchBuild: no] ==> not allowed by OS
65:070 0:000 - [02]: Disable panic kext logging on 10.14 Release kernel (c) vit9696 :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: 10.14.x | MatchBuild: no] ==> allowed by OS
65:070 0:000 - [03]: MSR 0xE2 _xcpm_idle instant reboot(c) Pike R. Alpha :: [OS: 10.14 | MatchOS: All | MatchBuild: no] ==> allowed by OS
65:070 0:000 Will not patch boot.efi
65:070 0:000 === [ PatchSmbios ] =======================================
65:070 0:000 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
65:070 0:000 insert table 9 for dev 1F:6
65:070 0:000 insert table 9 for dev 0:0
65:071 0:000 Trusting SMBIOS...
65:071 0:000 Channels: 1
65:071 0:000 Interleave: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
65:071 0:000 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 0 => 0 0:
65:071 0:000 BANK 0 DIMM0 EMPTY
65:071 0:000 SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 1 => 1 1:
65:071 0:000 BANK 0 DIMM1 EMPTY
65:071 0:000 NumberOfMemoryDevices = 2
65:071 0:000 Table 131 is present, CPUType=10
65:071 0:000 Change to: 905
65:071 0:000 Table 133 is present, PlatformFeature=4F484B01
65:071 0:000 Change to: 1
65:071 0:000 === [ PatchACPI ] =========================================
65:071 0:000 Xsdt reallocation done
65:071 0:000 old FADT length=F4
65:071 0:000 SignatureFixup: 0x2846 -> 0x0
65:076 0:005 Apply DsdtFixMask=0x00000000
65:076 0:000 drop _DSM mask=0xFFFF
65:076 0:000 === [ FixBiosDsdt ] =======================================
65:076 0:000 VideoCard devID=0x19168086
65:076 0:000 DisplayADR1[0] = 0x20000, DisplayADR2[0] = 0xFFFE
65:076 0:000 USBADR[0] = 0x140000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
65:077 0:000 Found Airport BCM at 0x1C0002, 0x0
65:077 0:000 Audio HDA (addr:0x1F0003) setting specified layout-id=29 (0x1D)
65:077 0:000 Patching DSDT:
65:077 0:000 - [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:077 0:000 - [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:077 0:000 - [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:077 0:000 - [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:077 0:000 - [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:077 0:000 - [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:077 0:000 - [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, patched at: [ (937F) ]
65:077 0:000 - [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, patched at: [ (939F) ]
65:077 0:000 - [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:077 0:000 - [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, patched at: [ (2011) (324F) (CB) (B1D) (FAA) (30DE) (61) (2D) (1D) (5C37) (34) (26C) (28) (4A4) (F) ]
65:077 0:000 - [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:077 0:000 - [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:078 0:000 - [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, patched at: [ (672B) (16) (3B) (16) (1BE0) (1C5) (1EF) (14) (FE) (10) (DC) (10) (56) (1A) (18) (14) (1E) (18) (14) (1E) (18) (14) (105) (5B) (5B) (AD) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (5B) (AD) (5B) (5B) (5B) (8073) (1C) (19) (80) (11) (21) (11) ]
65:078 0:000 - [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, patched at: [ (4101) ]
65:078 0:000 - [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:078 0:000 0 replacements
65:078 0:000 first CPU found at F0 offset F3
65:078 0:000 score candidate at EC
65:078 0:000 score inserted in acpi_cpu_score _PR_
65:078 0:000 Found ACPI CPU: CPU0 | CPU1 | CPU2 | CPU3 | CPU4 | CPU5 | CPU6 | CPU7 , within the score: _PR_
65:078 0:000 PreCleanup XSDT: count=22, length=212
65:078 0:000 PreCleanup XSDT, corrected XSDT: count=22, length=212
65:078 0:000 === [ ACPIDropTables ] ====================================
65:078 0:000 Drop tables from XSDT, SIGN=ECDT TableID=TP-R08 Length=82
65:078 0:000 Table[3]: ECDT TP-R08 82 dropped
65:078 0:000 0. [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:078 0:000 1. [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:078 0:000 2. [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:078 0:000 3. [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:078 0:000 4. [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:078 0:000 5. [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:078 0:000 6. [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, bin not found / already patched!
65:078 0:000 7. [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, bin not found / already patched!
65:078 0:000 8. [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:078 0:000 9. [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, patched at: [ (B44) (1CD6) (AF8) (1D) (6C4) ]
65:078 0:000 10. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 11. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 12. [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 13. [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 14. [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 0 replacements
65:079 0:000 Found OperationRegion(SANV, SystemMemory, 9FFBCD98, ...)
65:079 0:000 0. [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:079 0:000 1. [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:079 0:000 2. [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:079 0:000 3. [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 4. [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 5. [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 6. [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 7. [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 8. [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 9. [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 10. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 11. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 12. [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 13. [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 14. [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 0 replacements
65:079 0:000 0. [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:079 0:000 1. [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:079 0:000 2. [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:079 0:000 3. [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 4. [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 5. [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 6. [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 7. [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 8. [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 9. [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 10. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 11. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 12. [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 13. [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 14. [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 0 replacements
65:079 0:000 Found OperationRegion(PNVS, SystemMemory, 93F00000, ...)
65:079 0:000 0. [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:079 0:000 1. [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:079 0:000 2. [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:079 0:000 3. [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 4. [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 5. [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 6. [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 7. [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 8. [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 9. [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 10. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 11. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 12. [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 13. [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 14. [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 0 replacements
65:079 0:000 Found OperationRegion(MBAR, SystemMemory, FED15000, ...)
65:079 0:000 0. [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:079 0:000 1. [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:079 0:000 2. [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:079 0:000 3. [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 4. [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 5. [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 6. [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 7. [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 8. [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 9. [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, patched at: [ (1E) ]
65:079 0:000 10. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 11. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 12. [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 13. [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 14. [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 0 replacements
65:079 0:000 0. [change OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI patch)]: disabled
65:079 0:000 1. [change _OSI to XOSI]: disabled
65:079 0:000 2. [change _DSM to XDSM]: disabled
65:079 0:000 3. [change EC0 to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 4. [change H_EC to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 5. [change ECDV to EC]: disabled
65:079 0:000 6. [change HDAS to HDEF]: pattern 48444153, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 7. [change HECI to IMEI]: pattern 48454349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 8. [change MEI to IMEI]: pattern 4D45495F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 9. [change GFX0 to IGPU]: pattern 47465830, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 10. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #1 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 50434930, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 11. [change PCI0.VID to IGPU #2 (Thinkpad)]: pattern 5649445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 12. [change XHCI to XHC]: pattern 58484349, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 13. [KBD to PS2K]: pattern 4B42445F, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 14. [DBC0 to PS2K]: pattern 4B424330, bin not found / already patched!
65:079 0:000 0 replacements
65:079 0:000 === [ ACPIPatchedAML ] ====================================
65:079 0:000 Unsorted
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-XOSI.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=192 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-X260-USB.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=426 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-X260-PTSWAK.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=522 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-X260-DW1560.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=260 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-X260-BATT.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=1353 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-SMBUS.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=139 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-RMCF.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=903 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-REDpoint-yn.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=349 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-PNLF.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=94 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-PCIList.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=1084 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-LPC.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=390 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-Fans-TP.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=223 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-ECDT.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=83 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-DGPU.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=1257 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-CPU.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=137 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-BrightKeyQ14Q15-TP.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=208 ... Success
65:079 0:000 Inserting SSDT-@Infolittle-DATA.aml from EFI\CLOVER\ACPI\patched: size=5690 ... Success
65:079 0:000 CPUBase=0 and ApicCPUBase=1 ApicCPUNum=8
65:079 0:000 Cleanup XSDT: count=39, length=348
65:079 0:000 corrected XSDT count=38, length=340
65:079 0:000 === [ RestSetup macOS ] ===================================
65:079 0:000 EdidDiscovered size=128
65:079 0:000 --- Discovered EDID Table size:128
65:079 0:000 000 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 30 E4
65:079 0:000 010 | B6 04 00 00 00 00 00 19 01 04
65:079 0:000 020 | 95 1F 11 78 EA 0A 65 94 59 55
65:079 0:000 030 | 90 28 1D 50 54 00 00 00 01 01
65:079 0:000 040 | 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
65:079 0:000 050 | 01 01 01 01 D0 1D 56 F4 50 00
65:079 0:000 060 | 16 30 30 20 35 00 35 AE 10 00
65:079 0:000 070 | 00 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
65:079 0:000 080 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
65:079 0:000 090 | 00 00 00 FE 00 4C 47 20 44 69
65:079 0:000 100 | 73 70 6C 61 79 0A 20 20 00 00
65:079 0:000 110 | 00 FE 00 4C 50 31 34 30 57 48
65:079 0:000 120 | 38 2D 54 50 48 31 00 3A
65:079 0:000 add device: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-unifiedmem valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-stolenmem valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-patch-enable valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-fbmem valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-con2-type valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-con2-enable valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-con1-type valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=framebuffer-con1-enable valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=enable-hdmi20 valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=disable-external-gpu valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=device-id valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Add key=AAPL,ig-platform-id valuelen=4
65:079 0:000 Intel HD Graphics 520 [8086:1916] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x2,0x0)
65:079 0:000 Found Full Wide XGA Display - 16:9 :: Width=1366 Height=768
65:079 0:000 IntelHDMI: used
65:079 0:000 Beginning DualLink auto-detection
65:080 0:000 Low Resolution Display
65:080 0:000 AAPL00,DualLink: not used
65:080 0:000 FakeID Intel GFX: not set
65:080 0:000 ig-platform-id = 0x12345678
65:080 0:000 Beginning Intel GFX auto-detection with ACPI injection
65:080 0:000 Found FakeID Intel GFX = 0x19168086
65:080 0:000 Intel GFX revision = 0x7
65:080 0:000 ATI injection not set
65:080 0:000 RCBA disabled; cannot use it
65:080 0:000 setting specified layout-id=29 (0x1D)
65:080 0:000 stringlength = 3500
65:080 0:000 CurrentMode: Width=1366 Height=768
65:080 0:000 Beginning FSInjection
FSInjectionInstall ...
- Our FSI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed on handle: 98BE4D18
FSInjectionInstall ...
- Our FSI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed on handle: 98BE4D18
65:091 0:010 Use origin smbios table type 1 guid.
65:109 0:017 Force kext: System\Library\Extensions\IONetworkingFamily.kext
65:109 0:000 Failed to load extra kext (Info.plist not found): System\Library\Extensions\IONetworkingFamily.kext
65:109 0:000 Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other
65:109 0:000 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\WhateverGreen_v1.2.4.kext (v.1.2.4)
65:133 0:024 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\VoodooPS2Controller.kext (v.1.8.34)
65:135 0:001 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext (v.1.8.34)
65:137 0:001 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Mouse.kext (v.1.8.34)
65:138 0:001 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext (v.1.8.34)
65:140 0:002 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\USBInjectAll_v0.6.8.kext (v.0.6.8)
65:238 0:098 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\Lilu_v1.2.7.kext (v.1.2.7)
65:249 0:010 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\IntelMausiEthernet.kext (v.2.4.0d0)
65:255 0:006 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\HoRNDIS.kext (v.9.2)
65:262 0:006 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC_v1787.kext (v.1787)
65:271 0:008 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC_v1787.kext\Contents\PlugIns\FakeSMC_LPCSensors.kext (v.1787)
65:319 0:048 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC_v1787.kext\Contents\PlugIns\FakeSMC_GPUSensors.kext (v.1787)
65:331 0:011 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC_v1787.kext\Contents\PlugIns\FakeSMC_CPUSensors.kext (v.1787)
65:332 0:001 |-- PlugIn kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC_v1787.kext\Contents\PlugIns\FakeSMC_ACPISensors.kext (v.1787)
65:335 0:002 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\BrcmPatchRAM2.kext (v.2.2.7)
65:358 0:022 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\BrcmFirmwareData.kext (v.2.2.7)
65:491 0:133 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\AppleBacklightInjector.kext (v.0.9.2)
65:492 0:001 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\AppleALC_v1.2.8.kext (v.1.2.8)
65:619 0:126 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\AirportBrcmFixup.kext (v.1.1.3)
65:622 0:003 Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\ACPIBatteryManager_v1.90.1.kext (v.1.90.1)
65:635 0:013 SetStartupDiskVolume:
65:635 0:000 * Volume: 'Install macOS Mojave'
65:635 0:000 * LoaderPath: '\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi'
65:635 0:000 * DevPath: Install macOS Mojave
65:635 0:000 * GUID = 3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04
65:636 0:000 * efi-boot-device: <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>3BEE27B1-2DBC-4DF0-9715-F075925A4C04</string></dict></dict></dict></array>
65:636 0:000 Custom boot screen not used because entry has unset use graphics
65:637 0:000 Closing log