发表于 2007-9-5 00:01:00| 字数 1,451| - 中国–河南–郑州–二七区 电信
bi是一个专门针对Windows用户的Ubuntu安装工具,你需要做的只是点击几下鼠标而已。不需要改变分区设置,不需要启动文件,不需要Live CD。
如同Live CD一样,Wubi不会给你的Xp带来任何改变,但是不同的是它提供完整的硬件接入,你还可以如同Ubuntu中下载,安装和使用应用程序。Wubi会把大部分文件储藏在Windows下的一个文件夹内,你可以随时卸载他们。
Wubi is an unofficial Ubuntuinstaller for Windows users that will bring you into the Linux worldwith a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other application. If you heard about Linux and Ubuntu,if you wanted to try them but you were afraid, this is for you. Wubiwill run on on all Windows versions from Windows 98 to Windows Vista,more platforms to come soon. 64-bit builds are possible but not yetavailable. Linux/*nix/*BSD are supported through Lubi, and Mac OSX willeventually be supported through Mubi (developers still needed).
Wubi is Safe - It does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader.
Wubi is Simple - Just run the installer, no need to burn a CD.
Wubi is Discrete - Wubi keeps most of the files in one folder, and If you do not like, you can simply uninstall it.
Wubi is Free - Wubi (like Ubuntu)is free as in beer and as in freedom. You will get this part later on,the important thing now is that it cost absolutely nothing, it is ourgift to you...
昨天下载了这个软件,昨晚开始安装,安起很不错哦。建议大家先把ISO下载下来和这个软件放在一个目录再来安装。免得去痛苦的等待下载。现在正在更新的系统,80多个,痛苦了~~~ |