发表于 2008-4-8 15:03:31| 字数 5,021| - 中国–上海–上海–静安区 电信/普陀区电信
刚刚加了我的英文版, 最后一段不一样, 其他都差不多。 已经发到 INTERNETTALK FORUM 了。
刚刚拿到IPOD TOUCH ,和NOKIA N810 做了些对比。很多英文网站都拿这两样比较,得出的结论是它们各有千秋。很多人两样都有。现把我个人的一些感受写一写。有不妥之处,望广大网友指正。
具体的性能参数我不累述了, 网上都有, GOOGLE 一下。 现主要从商业模式,针对用户群,使用的感受上着手。
网上有人说, IPOD TOUCH 作为一款影音设备,碰巧可以浏览网站; N810 作为一款网络平板便携设备, 碰巧可以放影音。我觉得这句话大体概括了他们功能上的异同。 IPOD TOUCH 的屏幕比n810小, 没有外置SPEAKER , 但对于影音的播放质量(同一文件),IPOD TOUCH (IT ) 好些, N810 ( NOKIA INTERNET TABLET , NIT ) 确实在播放界面和质量上不可比。但是,外置SPEAKER 让我的耳朵少了点折磨,影音的文件格式要多许多选择,外置储存可以MINI SD 8G , 外加USB闪存和硬盘。老兄,你带着 NIT 和张 MINI SD 或 MICRO SD 卡 ,外加一个 SD 读卡器; 或者带着USB 闪存,你可以走遍天下了。IT 可是离了电脑和iTUNES 就很难有所作为的。现如今,NIT 也有外接 USB 的宽带有线ADAPTER,便携无线路由 和EDGE /3G 的选择,买台NIT 就是一台超便携口袋电脑。我用IT 上网,多触摸操控的感觉确实好,但网速实在是慢,上个SINA 也要等好半天,也不支持FLASH 和WEB 2.0 。好多网站是不能用的。
但IT比NIT 有那些优势呢?
当你仔细用了IT , 你会发觉,IT 的后端内容和服务是NIT 不可比拟的。APPLE 花了很多功夫在如何把世界无数的音乐,电影,有声读物,YOUTUBE , 大学的公开课 梳理的井井有条,让你及其舒服容易的找到,购买,欣赏你喜欢的内容。在美国有句术语--“内容为王”( CONTENT IS THE KING ) . IT 把这个这个纷繁的内容世界安排的有条有理,通过iTUNES这个独享的软件平台把你和他们的内容库一丝不苟的,安全的垄断的联系在了一起。然后再用IT 这个超炫的硬件平台去实现APPLE最终的客户超级体验。IT 只是一个实现APPLE 垄断内容和服务的工具。也无怪乎,IT 的硬件和软件的延展性和可兼容性非常有限。试想如果是你,花了大功夫在后端的内容和服务上,你会让客户用别的硬件平台去使用享受吗?看看其他的播放器就没IT这个毛病--别人卖的是硬件,APPLE 卖的是体验呀!!!IPHONE 和AT&T 的绑定,IPOD 和 iTUNES以及其各大音乐商的绑定无不出其左右。在超级客户体验的基础上,APPLE 企图通过整合整个价值链并垄断控制关键点达到锁定客户,分享整个价值链各部分的利润。去看看AMAZON 的KINDLE 对于书籍的售卖,打印机生产商对于墨盒的非兼容,吉列刮胡刀的非兼容,全是一个道理。
而NIT呢,它只是台电脑。电脑从一开始研发就有一个核心理念,在同一协议下的分模块化发展--软件,操作系统,显示屏,键盘,硬盘,主板 等等,全部在相对稳定的协议下沟通工作,不论哪个模块有新的研究和发展,它可以仍旧和其他模块沟通合作并带来整个电脑的效率提升。讲回NIT , 它的开源软件系统和一帮五湖四海的研发者,让你有无限拓展其功能的空间。你所要浪费的是时间和精力去研究和跟进。没有人或公司为你把所有的资源整合起来,提高你某一方面的客户体验. 它给你的是一个无限的空间去发掘和实现你的想法。看到众多的国外NIT的GEEK 每天在想如何实现他们梦寐以求的功能,大家一起讨论研究,或许这正是NIT带给你的客户体验。用英文叫“ IMAGE YOUSELF " .
讲了这么多,只希望带给大家一点个人的拙见,没有贬低APPLE的意思。APPLE 对于客户体验的无限重视和提升以及他们的创造性和品牌以及市场的能力是超乎想象的。我现在下载了大量iTUNES U 的美国各大高校的公开课到IT 上,我离不开IT 了。NIT,作为我现在移动网络应用(播客,博客,信息搜索,阅读和研究) 都有极大的便利性和不可替代性 。对了,告诉大家一个好玩的事情,我会用IT 和NIT 躺在床上上网,阅读和看视频,IT 内置的重力感应器这时就迷糊了,不知道我是让它”站着“ 还是”躺着“ ,三天两头的换来换去。NIT 呢, 它能听从你的指令,要”站着“ 就绝不”趴着“ ,要“趴着” 就绝不“站着” 。
My truth about IPOD Touch and NOKIA N810
I had read about some comparison between IPOD Touch and NOKIA N810 . Most of discussion are from the technical specs point of view . I want to talk something about my feeling , the different targeted markets and business models .
Somebody ever said , IPOD Touch is a media device which happen to have the internet browser , Nokia N810 is a internet tablet which happen to be a media player as well. That's almost true about these two devices technically . IPOD Touch has great media capability and quality better than NOKIA N810 , great UI as well . Nokia N810 has an external speaker which is a big plus as a media player , no mention I can carry a NOKIA N810 as a mobile computer with great capability of external storage ( USB keyboard , USB Thumb drive and USB disk drive ) . Look at IPOD Touch , there's nothing you can do without a computer and iTunes . The speed of web browser is fair .
Then , what's the good about IPOD Touch ?
The answer is the content and the superior customer experience .
APPLE has the great contents including music , movies , audio books , podcast and open courses , being organized in a good order . You can easily search , purchase and enjoy what you want on IPOD Touch by your finger . " Content is the king " , Apple knows it very well and put it together through iTunes , a software platform , which carefully , securely and exclusively stream the organized content onto superior IPOD Touch , a superior hardware platform . All they sell to you is a superior experience compared with other competitor's hardware selling . Then there's no wonder why IPOD Touch has very limited compatibility and expandability from either hardware or software . If you were Apple , you want to use the superior hardware and software to lock the customers and integrate the whole vale chain , then squeeze the juice from each section of value chain . So , you will see IPHONE bundled with AT&T , IPOD Touch bundle with iTunes and variable music companies . There's a similar business model when you see Amazon trying to sell books via KINDLE , printers designing their own cartridge and Gillette for their own blade .
As of NOKIA N810 , it's a computer or a device in computer concept . From the every beginning , the mythology of computer is the modularization of each function by using same protocol . Each components of computer is talking to other module based on certain protocol . Each module has the privilege in developing further but still compatible with others , while increasing the whole computer's performance or efficiency . Back to Nokia N810 , its open source , lots of developers and geeks are imaging want they want from NOKIA N810 and working on it . There's unlimited space for the whole community to develop . There's no such company or individuals provides a total solution for your superior customer experience as Apple is providing . But , It do provide some superio experience -- " IMAGE YOURSELF " .
APPLE is a great company with great products . Their creativity and imagination is superior . When you make the decision between IPOD TOUCH and NOKIA N810 , you already make the decision on enjoying Apple 's imaginations or developing your own imagination in a open community . The world is flat and everybody can easily obtain all kinds of tools and information which enable a global collaboration in an much easy way . The only key to differentiate you from others in the competitive world is the imagination on how to utilize the tools .
[ Edited by deter3 on 2008-4-8 19:01 ] |