下载文章提到的修改过的网卡驱动,还有KNOPPIX3.8.2,刻盘,用来Boot机,进入GUI后启动命令行,运行su取得root用户权限,按照教程的步骤一步一步来,能在进去后看到正确的EEPROM信息,但就在sh load之后,用ethtool –e ethX(X根据机器和每次启动不同为不同的数字)查看EEPROM的信息,得到的结果是全部是零。就是在这一步,和教程上面的不一样了,你可以根据教程继续修改,虽然修改之后显示0x8~0xb是修改过的,但是其实是没用的。
之间,陆续用了Ubuntu8.10还有BackTrack3 final还有BackTrack3 Beta,得到的结果是一样的。用原来自带的驱动可以查看到正确的EEPROM信息,也可以用ethtool –E修改,最后查看也是修改过的,但是由于不是Patched的驱动,重启之后还是老样子,104;而且在这些系统是没有办法sh load的,所以这些系统对于用这个方法来破解无线网卡是无效的。
Turn on PC without 2200bg card to avoid bios message.
Insert 2200bg card as soon as Windows begins to boot.
Install 2200bg drivers when asked.
Now blue leds are on.
Insert Knoppix CD and reboot PC (do not turn off, just reboot)
Remove 2200bg card when windows ends the shutting down and just before PC reboot (fast!!!)
Blue leds are off (don't worry...)
Insert 2200bg card at knoppix boot prompt
Press enter to boot
Start Root Shell from the taskbar penguin menu
Look for your wireless card (ethX)
#ethtool -e ethX
You will get a not zero-filled eeprom dump
Follow previous instructions.
After #shunload and #shload you will get a zero-filled eeprom dump with #iwconfig command
Don't worry!
Just press wireless button, blue leds still off but #iwconfig will return a good dump.
Write the eeprom with #ethtool commands and you're done!
And yes, you will have 2200bg drivers already installed ;)