RIM goes pale, shows white Curve 8520 for T-Mobile and Bold for AT&T
Chris Ziegler 
posted Oct 8th 2009 at 11:32AM
We know it's after Labor Day, but that doesn't seem to be stopping RIMfrom rolling out a couple BlackBerrys in bright white this season --and who are we to accuse Waterloo of a fashion faux-pas? First up, theCurve
8520on T-Mobile is now available, complementing the black and "frost"versions that have already landed; perhaps more interesting, though, isdirect confirmation from RIM that there'll be a white version Boldhitting AT&T in mid-October. With the
Bold 2seemingly around the corner, recoloring the current model seems like anodd move -- but if they can continue to sell the Bold at a moderatediscount
a la iPhone 3G / 3GS, there might yet be a strategythere. The version RIM had on hand wasn't AT&T-branded, but... youknow, just imagine the silkscreened logo and customized wallpaper, andyou'll get the idea.
Gallery: RIM goes pale, shows white Curve 8520 for T-Mobile and Bold for AT&T