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发表于 2009-10-27 20:55:05| 字数 9,385| - 中国–辽宁–大连 联通
这个是HP EV2210版的MC5725刷机工具,我把这个包解开来了,里面有两个配置文件:
; Package.ini version - Should be less than or equal to CCT version.
Version = 6.24
; Firmware upgrade method
; 1 - Default. Use MDLoader. If "Firmware Upgrade Method" is not specified,
; this value is assumed.
; 2 - FwDApi DLL method. This method supports EM5625 and MC5720.
; 3 - SWIApi DLL method. This method supports EM5725 and AC595.
Firmware Upgrade Method = 3
; For Firmware Upgrade Method = 1, the 4 items below are required for a
; successful firmware download. All Package.ini files will have these items set.
; CCT will fail if they are not present.
; Flash Image File Name = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\flash.bin
; NV Default File Name = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\mdloader_dflt.nvm
; NV Item File Name = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\mdloadernv.cfg
; Post NV File Name = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\post_restore.nvm
; For Firmware Upgrade Method = 2, upgrading boot image is optional,
; as is App Image File Name. See example below.
; Boot Image File Name = \emblud.bin
; App Image file Name = \em5625_swi.cwe
Boot Image File Name = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\Release\Modem\SWI6800\swi6800_fp.00.60.01\p2\build\ms\bin\SWI6800_cwe\boot.cwe
App Image file Name = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\Release\Modem\SWI6800\swi6800_fp.00.60.01\p2\build\ms\bin\SWI6800_cwe\appl.cwe
QCOM Loader File Name = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\Release\Modem\SWI6800\swi6800_fp.00.60.01\p2\build\ms\bin\SWI6800_cwe\qcom.cwe
; USB Descriptor image
SWI Image File Name = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\Release\Modem\SWI6800\swi6800_fp.00.60.01\p2\build\ms\bin\SWI6800_cwe\swi_ud_hp_00.cwe
; For Firmware Upgrade Method = 3, upgrading the QCOM image file is optional, as is the boot image file,
; as is App Image File. See example below.
; Boot Image File Name = \boot.cwe
; App Image file Name = \appl.cwe
; QCOM Loader File Name = \qcom.cwe
Serial Loader File Name = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\Release\Modem\SWI6800\swi6800_fp.00.60.01\p2\sierra\tools\emloader.exe
; Some Package.ini files may not have a PRI, EFS or PRL file(s).
; If CCT is told to expressly load a given file, but it is absent from Package.ini, and
; also absent from config.ini, CCT will fail.
; PRI File Path = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\Config_PRI.XLS@@/main/pc5220a/vzw/LATEST
; Common PRI File Path = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\Common_PRI.XLS@@/main/pc5220a/LATEST
; PRL File Path = c:\Sierra\Packages\Template\PRL.XLS
; DMU File Path = c:\SierraWireless\Bogus\DMU.bin
; ERI File Path = c:\SierraWireless\Bogus\ERI.bin
; DMU Modem Path = \DMU
; ERI Modem Path = \eri
Common PRI File Path = pri_vob\common_pri.xls@@/main/0
PRI File Path = pri_vob\config_pri.pri@@/main/mc5725/mc5725_hp_vzw_do/8
PRL File Path = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\PRLs\Verizon\Commercial PRLs\Commercial PRL EVDO Data Device Only\50853-VZW EV_1x Roaming.prl
DMU File Path = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\DMUs\Verizon\10.key
ERI File Path = \\sandiego\shared\engineering\Software\ERIs\Verizon\vzw_eri_0004\eri_nam1
DMU Modem Path = DMU
ERI Modem Path = swir
; PRI Reset is a switch indicating whether to do a PRI Reset at the end of the provisioning process. Can be set to TRUE or FALSE.
; PRI Reset = TRUE
; Product Type - Allowable Values are:
; Embedded Module
; PC Card
; Product Type = Embedded Module
Product Type = Embedded Module
; Load NV Defaults is a switch indicating whether to load the NV Defaults file instead
; of retrieving and restoring the modem's NV Data during firmware upgrades.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini file, FALSE is assumed.
; Load NV Defaults = FALSE
Load NV Defaults = FALSE
; Check Carrier ID is a switch indicating whether to check the Carrier ID.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini file, TRUE is assumed.
; Check Carrier ID = TRUE
Check Carrier ID = TRUE
; Firmware Variant is a switch indicating whether to check the Firmware Variant.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini file, TRUE is assumed.
; Check Firmware Variant = TRUE
Check Firmware Variant = TRUE
; Check PRL Downgrade is a switch indicating whether to check for a PRL downgrade.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini file, TRUE is assumed.
; Check PRL Downgrade = TRUE
Check PRL Downgrade = TRUE
; Backup NV Files to memory within the modem.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini FALSE is assumed.
; NV Backup = TRUE
NV Backup = FALSE
; Restore NV Files that were previously stored in memory within the modem.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini TRUE is assumed.
; NV Restore = TRUE
NV Restore = FALSE
; Backup OEM NV Files to memory within the modem.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini FALSE is assumed.
; OEM NV Backup = TRUE
OEM NV Backup = TRUE
; Field Mode Load QCom Image.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini FALSE is assumed.
; Field Mode Load QCom Image = FALSE
Field Mode Load QCom Image = TRUE
; Field Mode Load Boot Image.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini FALSE is assumed.
; Field Mode Load Boot Image = FALSE
Field Mode Load Boot Image = TRUE
; Field Mode DownGrade Firmware.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini FALSE is assumed.
; Field Mode DownGrade Firmware = FALSE
Field Mode DownGrade Firmware = FALSE
; Update Flat File.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini TRUE is assumed.
; Update Flat File = TRUE
Update Flat File = TRUE
; Create Flat File from Phone. This is left in for legacy purposes.
; Allowable values are TRUE or FALSE. If missing from Package.ini TRUE is assumed.
; Create Flat File from Phone = TRUE
Create Flat File from Phone = TRUE
; Field Mode No AC Power.
; Allowable values are ADVISE, FORCE, or IGNORE.
; If missing from Package.ini, IGNORE is assumed.
; Create Flat File from Phone = IGNORE
Field Mode No AC Power = ADVISE
; Provisioning enable. This flag has an effect when Firmware Upgrade Method is 2.
; When omitted, the default behavior is FALSE for this flag. To enable
; provisioning with Firmware Upgrade Method 2, include this flag and set to TRUE
Provisioning = TRUE
; Automatic USB Port Selection. This flag has an effect when Firmware Upgrade Method is 2.
; When omitted, the default behavior is FALSE for this flag. To enable Automatic USB Port
; Selection with Firmware Upgrade Method 2, include this flag and set to TRUE
Automatic USB Port Selection = TRUE
; Field Mode PRL Upgrade. This flag determines whether the PRL is loaded in field mode.
; This flag has an effect for Firmware Upgrade Method 1 and 2. When omitted, the default
; behavior is TRUE for this flag. To enable loading the PRL in field mode, set this flag
; to TRUE.
Field Mode PRL Upgrade = FALSE
; Field Mode Simulate Factory Mode. This flag tells CCT to bypass ceratin safeguards while
; in Field mode. This flag has an effect for Firmware Upgrade Method 1 and 2. When omitted,
; the default value is FALSE for this flag. To simulate Factory mode while in field mode,
; set this flag to TRUE.
Field Mode Simulate Factory Mode = FALSE
; Update RF Checksum. This flag tells CCT to update the RF Cal checksum in the modem
; following the firmware upgrade and PRI write. This flag has an effect for Firmware
; Upgrade Method 1 and 2. This flag has meaning in factory and field mode. To enable
; the RF checksum update, set this flag to TRUE. To disable the RF checksum update,
; set this flag to FALSE. When omitted, the default behavior is FALSE.
Update RF Checksum = FALSE
; Update FTS Record. This flag has an effect when Firmware Upgrade Method is 1, 2 or 3.
; When omitted, the default behavior is FALSE for this flag. To enable updating of the
; fts.txt file to append a CCT record, include this flag and set to TRUE.
Update FTS Record = FALSE
; Update EFS with arbitrary files. This is a list rather than a single flag. The format for the list is:
; file<x> = <EFS Directory>, <filename>, <optional rm command>
; where <x> is a positive number, <filename> is the name of the file you wish to copy from the package
; directory on the host to the modem or to delete form the modem, and <optional rm command> is used to
; remove the file from the modem instead of copying it from the host. See the following example.
; file1 = /FTS, track.txt
; file2 = /swir, somefile.bin, rm
; Update First Character of FSN. This flag has an effect when Firmware Upgrade Method is 2.
; When omitted, the default behavior is to not update the First character of the FSN in the modem.
; To enable updating of the first character of the FSN, include this flag and provide the character you
; wish to substitute with. The first character of the FSN will thereafter be the one you provided.
; Update First Character of FSN = R
; Cleanup ERI and DMU Folders. This flag has an effect when Firmware Upgrade Method is 1 or 2.
; When omitted, the default behavior is to delete files in the DMU and ERI folders in the modem's EFS.
; To avoid deleting the DMU and ERI files, set this flag to FALSE.
Cleanup ERI and DMU Folders = FALSE
; Watcher Running check. If in field mode, displays a prompt for the user to close the Sierra Wireless
; Watcher program.
; When omitted, the default value for this flag is FALSE.
Watcher Running Check = FALSE
; Clear FTS History Bits. If in factory mode, optionally clear the history bits of the FTS file.
; The rest of the FTS file is left alone.
; When omitted, the default value for this flag is FALSE.
Clear FTS History Bits = FALSE
; Check PRL Version. Optionally check the PRL file version.
; When omitted, the default value for this flag is TRUE.
Check PRL Version = TRUE
; Packet Size. Optionally set the packet size for modem IO.
; When omitted, the default value for this key is 0.
; When CCT sees a vale for packet size of 0, it uses a packet size of
; 0x800 (2048) for modem IO instead.
Packet Size = 0
; Field Mode OEM NV Backup. This flag was added because of a snafu in the factory. This flag tells CCT
; to backup OEM NV items to a special memory in the modem as if the CCT was being ran in the factory.
; When omitted, the default value for this flag is FALSE.
Field Mode OEM NV Backup = FALSE
; Field Mode ERI Upgrade. This flag was added to support FW Upgrade project. CCT uses this flag when
; executing the Parse command to write the ERIUpdate flag in FWUpgradeConfigFile.txt.
; When omitted, the default value for this flag is FALSE.
Field Mode ERI Upgrade = FALSE
Version = 1.3
PRISKU = 11148
PRIDataVersion = 000.007.001
AppFWVersion = 0.60.01
AppFWUpdate = TRUE
AppFWFile = appl.cwe
MinAppFWVerForFieldUpgrade = 0.54.0
QCBootFWUpdate = TRUE
QCBootFWFile = qcom.cwe
BootFWUpdate = TRUE
BootFWFile = boot.cwe
PRLFile = 50853-VZW EV_1x Roaming.prl
ERIUpdate = TRUE
ERIFile = eri_nam1
NVUpdate = TRUE
NVUpdateFile = nvup
SWIFWFile = swi_ud_hp_00.cwe
SWOCFWFile = |
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