发表于 2010-5-10 20:42:51| 字数 1,260| - 中国–辽宁–抚顺 联通
Posted by zw963 on 2010-5-10 18:17
而且不妨告诉你。完全禁用页 ...
1. 哈哈哈,,,很负责任的说,我不太知道什么是大型软件,,让这位兄弟见笑了,,如果你认为PHOTOSHOP,AUTOCAD,VS2008之类就是Large-scale软件的话,,我想,,有些兄弟一定会笑的,,,
2. 其实是否禁用分页文件这个问题应该是Windows 的内存管理和虚拟内存的相关的东西吧,,兄弟我也不是很懂,见笑了,共同探讨,,,可以很负责任的说,这些东西对于一般应用是透明的,,简单的说,就是和 PHOTOSHOP,AUTOCAD,VS2008之类的东西是没有太大关系的,,,只要你有足够的内存就可以了,,因为此时已经不需要Page out分页数据了,,,
A frequently asked question is how big should I make the pagefile? There is no single answer to this question, because it depends on the amount of installed RAM and how much virtual memory that workload requires. If there is no other information available, the normal recommendation of 1.5 times the amount of RAM in the computer is a good place to start. On server systems, a common objective is to have enough RAM so that there is never a shortage and the pagefile is essentially, not used. On these systems, having a really large pagefile may serve no useful purpose. On the other hand, disk space is usually plentiful, so having a large pagefile (e.g. 1.5 times the installed RAM) does not cause a problem and eliminates the need to fuss over how large to make it.
4. 最后,,不得不承认,,兄弟我用的软件很少,,不太了解什么是大型软件,,见笑了,, |