23-46-39-054: download version: 2.01.08;
23-46-39-055: download build date: 20100114;
23-46-39-055: product name: 5730;
23-46-39-055: at vcom name: LeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-46-39-056: download vcom name: LC Update USB VCOM;
23-46-39-056: disk name: eWalk,ewalk,DTM5731,LC5733,LeadCore,leadcore,LEADCORE,;
23-46-39-056: ACLineStatus:1, BatteryFlag:9, BatteryLifePercent:82, BatteryLifeTime:-1, BatteryFullLifeTime:-1;
23-46-39-090: Begin find lc update vcom;
23-46-39-090: Begin to find download usb vcom:LC Update USB VCOM;
23-46-39-097: 找到了LCUpdate
23-46-39-120: 新版本已存在!
23-46-39-126: 找到了LCUpdate
23-46-39-127: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lcupdate.sys;
23-46-39-127: 不存在
23-46-39-130: 查到串口;
23-46-40-142: Find download usb vcomLeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-46-40-144: Find download usb vcomCOM5;
23-46-40-596: Waiting g_first_install_update_drives;
23-46-42-798: begin write AT^HVER cmd;
23-46-42-798: begin write AT^HVER finish;
23-46-43-809: Read hver rn:;
23-46-43-819: Read hver rn:;
23-46-43-969: rev at^HVER:1.00.00
23-46-43-969: Read hver cmd:^HVER:1.00.00
23-46-43-969: Read hver ok:;
23-46-43-971: Access config file finish.;
23-46-43-971: check hardware version ok;
23-46-43-993: ready to enter button download.;
23-46-43-994: Enter Button Download;
23-46-43-994: Set data file path;
23-46-43-996: Begin checking datafile crc;
23-46-44-493: wait download_thead_param set;
23-46-46-078: check datafile crc ok;
23-46-46-093: download_thead_param set finish;
23-46-46-095: send ddload begin;
23-46-46-095: write ddload begin;
23-46-46-096: write ddload finish;
23-47-06-099: ReStartHUB;
23-47-06-515: ReStartHUB:SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces error!
23-47-06-517: begin to pop disk again.;
23-47-06-524: 查到串口;
23-47-06-524: WARNNING, ready search AT vcom again.;
23-47-07-532: Find download usb vcomLeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-47-07-533: Find download usb vcomCOM5;
23-47-09-537: send ddload begin;
23-47-09-538: write ddload begin;
23-47-09-539: write ddload finish;
23-47-09-597: g_first_install_update_drives finish;
23-47-26-542: begin to pop disk again.;
23-47-26-547: 查到串口;
23-47-26-547: WARNNING, ready search AT vcom again.;
23-47-27-553: Find download usb vcomLeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-47-27-554: Find download usb vcomCOM5;
23-47-29-713: send ddload begin;
23-47-29-715: write ddload begin;
23-47-29-716: write ddload finish;
23-47-46-719: begin to pop disk again.;
23-47-46-725: 查到串口;
23-47-46-726: WARNNING, ready search AT vcom again.;
23-47-47-732: Find download usb vcomLeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-47-47-732: Find download usb vcomCOM5;
23-47-49-892: send ddload begin;
23-47-49-894: write ddload begin;
23-47-49-896: write ddload finish;
23-48-06-900: begin to pop disk again.;
23-48-06-906: 查到串口;
23-48-06-908: WARNNING, ready search AT vcom again.;
23-48-07-914: Find download usb vcomLeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-48-07-914: Find download usb vcomCOM5;
23-48-10-073: send ddload begin;
23-48-10-075: write ddload begin;
23-48-10-076: write ddload finish;
23-48-27-079: begin to pop disk again.;
23-48-27-085: 查到串口;
23-48-27-087: WARNNING, ready search AT vcom again.;
23-48-28-094: Find download usb vcomLeadCore CMCC AT Interface;
23-48-28-095: Find download usb vcomCOM5;
23-48-30-254: reset system 5 times, exit download.;