发表于 2005-5-21 11:32:20| 字数 2,020| - 中国–福建–福州 教育网/福州大学东四男生宿舍
我的本本是P2 366 是TOSHIBA的,它的PLL是CY2277APAC 12M的.我们在DIY的时候,主要就是由这个PLL,能不能用100MHZ外频由它来决定,小样的东芝,这PLL就是不支持100MHZ,它PCI的分频只支持2分频,就是外频除以2,就算能上100外频,PCI的工作频率就要到50MHZ,PCI的标准频率是33.3MHZ.所以失望啊!!!
但是也不是到了山穷水尽的地步,我想到软超,软超的话,大家一般想到用SOFTFSB这软件,主要要看这软件有没有支持你的PLL,我下载的版本是没有的,后来直接搜索到CPUCOOL有支持,下载下来就用,它有支持CY2277型号的,但是描述不是很准确.在用CPUCOOL来超频,我只能超到80MHZ的外频到440MHZ,也是很满足了,测试也很稳定,现在我 的机子可以在70.7 69.3 66.7 72 68 76.6 73.3 80的外频自由切换.这其中的过程也是很复杂,特别我不是学电子的,更加难受没有电子基础知识,纯粹是瞎摸索.现在还是蒙蒙的.
The CY2277A is a Clock Synthesizer/Driver for Pentium, Pentium II, 6X86, and K6 portable PCs designed with the Intel® 82430TX or similar chipsets. There are three available options as shown in the selector guide
The CY2277A outputs four CPU clocks at 2.5V or 3.3V with up to nine selectable frequencies. There are up to eight 3.3V SDRAM clocks and seven PCI clocks, running at one half the CPU clock frequency. One of the PCI clocks is free-running. Additionally, the part outputs two 3.3V USB/IO clocks at 48 MHz or 24 MHz, one 2.5V IOAPIC clock at 14.318 MHz, and two 3.3V reference clocks at 14.318 MHz. The CPU, PCI, USB, and IO clock frequencies are factory-EPROM programmable for easy customization with fast turnaround times.
The CY2277A has power-down, CPU stop and PCI stop pins for power management control. The CPU stop and PCI stop are controlled by the MODE pin. They are multiplexed with SDRAM clock outputs, and are selected when the MODE pin is driven LOW. Additionally, these inputs are synchronized on-chip, enabling glitch-free transitions. When the /CPU_STOP input is asserted, the CPU outputs are driven LOW. When the /PCI_STOP input is asserted, the PCI outputs (except the free-running PCI clock) are driven LOW. Finally, when the /PWR_DWN pin is asserted, the reference oscillator and PLLs are shut down, and all outputs are driven LOW.
The CY2277A outputs are designed for low EMI emission. Controlled rise and fall times, unique output driver circuits and factory-EPROM programmable output drive and slew-rate enable optimal configurations for EMI control |